
Ethereum development package in docker.

GPL-3.0 License



Ethereum smart contract development package in moby(docker).



Default coinbase address: 0x7ee077f7afbc121e7b63d9baff6c8a52c3a9c2f3 Default coinbase private key: 0x88e524dee8bfb0dfb52ed4668ab88db605fe30b476e497d0fa1205e717fb9cb6

Do not use this private key on mainnet.

docker-compose up -d workspace geth

Place the contract in app directory and enter container

docker-compose exec workspace bash

Change truffle.js development

development: {
  from: 'your-address-on-geth-blockchain',
  host: 'geth',
  port: 8545,
  network_id: '*'

Or use provider

development: {
  from: 'your-address-on-geth-blockchain',
  provider: web3.currentProvider
  network_id: '*'

Unlock account

web3.personal.unlockAccount('your-address-on-geth-blockchain', 'your-address-password-on-geth-blockchain')

Run test

truffle test


docker-compose up -d workspace ganache

Place the contract in app directory and enter container

docker-compose exec workspace bash

Change truffle.js host

host: 'ganache'

Run test

truffle test

Test account for geth

We've created an test account for geth.

There is a UTC--2017-10-25T06-00-32.515667900Z--7c33ce8d9edd822f4ebba8823f4b73c2804baa00 file in /geth.

If you cannot create account, you can simply move the file to /data/keystore, and you'll see an account 7c33ce8d9edd822f4ebba8823f4b73c2804baa00 with password 123456 on the chain.

Please remember that never use this account in production environment!

If you want to use your account, remamber to edit the /geth/genesis.json befor you start the geth service.

Have Fun!


  • When I try to build geth container, I got this error: no space left on device It might be the disk space is not enough to build container.

    Please try to clean the docker images or docker volumes that not in use.

    You can run this command to find volumes.

    $ docker volume ls

    You can run this command to find images.

    $ docker images

    Remove volume.

    $ docker volume rm ...

    Remove all images with name none.

    $ docker rmi -f $(docker images | grep '^<none>' | awk '{print $3}')

