
A Folding@Home Docker container with GPU support

MIT License


Running Folding@Home in docker with GPU support

Fighting COVID-19, and other diseases

TL;DR: Folding at home is simulating the dynamics of COVID-19 proteins to hunt for new therapeutic opportunities. This container distributes the binary in a hope to increase installs.

FAH links

Unofficial, Unsupported

I'm not a member of the F@H team. I actively work on issues here, and have set this up to automatically update in my absence. This image is published to stefancrain/folding-at-home and automatically updated as the folding-at-home team releases changes.



CLI docker run

docker run \
  --name folding-at-home \
  --gpus all \
  -p 7396:7396 \
  stefancrain/folding-at-home:latest \
  --user=YOUR_NAME_HERE \
  --team=229500 \
  --power=full \
  --gpu-usage=100 \


Docker-compose GPU access is currently blocked by upstream issue in compose #6691, tracked in #4. This will work for CPU folding only :

version: "3"
    image: stefancrain/folding-at-home:latest
    container_name: folding-at-home
      - 7396:7396
    restart: unless-stopped
    command: ["--user=YOUR_NAME_HERE","--team=229500","--power=full","--gpu=false","--cpu-usage=100"]


I don't currently have a K8s cluster at home, so I'm including examples of users running this image in their config.

  • onedr0p/k3s-gitops works great but /u/onedrop has no approved GPUs to test
  • coreweave/fah-docker (a different container) but the config to support GPU enabled docker container, untested (by me)

TODO: create k8s cluster and test!

Troubleshooting and FAQ


Is your docker run aborting with error could not select device driver "" with capabilities: [[gpu]]?

Please be sure you installed nvidia-docker as indicated in the 'Prerequisites' section above.


Does docker see all GPUs?

docker run \
 --rm \
 --gpus all \
 --entrypoint="nvidia-smi" \


What are the FAHClient defaults set for this container?

  • User : Anonymous
  • Team : Homelab - 229500 who?
  • Power : full (use full CPU)
  • gpu-usage : 100%
  • cpu-usage : 100%
  • web-allow/allow : allow web traffic to port 7396
  • smp : support smp

How do I review my FAHClient config?

docker run \
 --rm \
 --gpus all \
 --entrypoint="/usr/bin/FAHClient" \
 stefancrain/folding-at-home:latest \

How can I see additional config options?

docker run \
 --rm \
 --entrypoint="/usr/bin/FAHClient" \
 stefancrain/folding-at-home:latest \

How can I see my progress?

By default the container is open to local network traffic on

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