
Ghost deployment using docker-compose


Ghost blog docker deployment

This is an example ghost blog docker deployment using docker-compose. Development is made up of five containers that host three services. Ghost, Postgres, and MailCatcher run in separate containers, and data containers are provided for Ghost and Postgres.


  • docker >= 1.6.0
  • docker-compose >= 1.2.0
  • (mac or win) boot2docker

Quick Start

There is a race-condition that can cause Postgres to reject Ghost's authentication because Postgres is not being started in single user mode.

Use boot2docker ip to look up your docker host's ip address

It is recommended you add to your hosts file

Helpful Commands

Getting a Shell into a Data Container

get a list of all docker containers using docker ps -a

run a new container connected to the data container using docker run -it --volumes-from <data-hash> centos /bin/bash where <data-hash> is the hash reported by the docker ps command.

Production deployment



  • Production deployments do not use the same database structure as development
  • Create a good way for initializing postgres