
Lightweight Auth Server in Go


GFA - go-forward-auth

Lightweight GO server acting as a "forward-auth" middleware (in Traefik for instance).

Inspired by sohamkamani's tuto many thanks to him.

Use at your own risk, not yet secured. Feel free to PR/Issue if you detect security issues :)


  • / for html rendering and forward-auth url
    • return 401 and a "Login page" if no valid JWT and invalid credentials supplied
    • return 300 if no valid JWT and valid credentials supplied (means you logged-in succesfully)
    • return 300 and extend JWT if valid JWT near expiration date
    • return 200 and a "Welcome page" if valid JWT
  • /logout to logout
    • return 302 (means you logged-out succesfully)
  • /verify to valid claims
    • return 200 if valid JWT
    • return 403 otherwise

To log-in, credentials are supplied via Header "Auth-Form" (POST is not forwarded to middlewares by Traefik) GFA check if the website is allowed for the user (cf. configuration file and Aud. in JWT)


  • jwt instead of cookie and session
  • password saved as hash using bcrypt
  • ssl with selfsigned cert
  • choose config file from flag
  • automatic image push on docker hub (quentinb69/go-forward-auth)
  • pass header value such as username when valid JWT
  • automatic test
  • automatic lint (gofmt, etc...)
  • use CSRF ? (not sure if needed)
  • help tool for bcrypt
  • real documentation
  • reacto for cleaner code


The following screenshot shows the default login page.


Available as a docker image : quentinb69/go-forward-auth



The source code and binaries of GFA are subject to the MIT License.