
A sophisticated web scraper for tracking GPU prices across e-commerce platforms, featuring proxy rotation, CAPTCHA handling, and data visualization.

MIT License


GPU Price Tracker


GPU Price Tracker is a sophisticated web scraping project that monitors and analyzes GPU prices across multiple e-commerce platforms. Built with scalability and efficiency in mind, this project demonstrates advanced scraping techniques, data management, and full-stack development skills.

Key Features

  • Scrapes GPU prices from eBay, Mediaworld, and Hardware-planet
  • Stores historical price data in MongoDB
  • Implements proxy rotation with free proxy lists
  • Handles CAPTCHAs through innovative user intervention via Telegram bot
  • Visualizes price trends and comparisons through a reactive Next.js frontend
  • Containerized with Docker for easy deployment and scaling


  • Backend: Node.js, Express.js
  • Scraping: Puppeteer
  • Database: MongoDB with Mongoose
  • Frontend: Next.js, Shadcn/UI
  • DevOps: Docker, Docker Compose, Nginx
  • Bot Integration: Telegram Bot API


The project follows a modular architecture, separating concerns for improved maintainability and scalability:

  • src/api.js: RESTful API endpoints
  • src/db/: Database connection and schema definitions
  • src/models/: Mongoose models for data structures
  • src/repositories/: Data access layer
  • src/scheduler.js: Orchestrates scraping jobs
  • src/scraper/: Custom scrapers for each e-commerce platform
  • src/services/: Core business logic, including proxy management and CAPTCHA handling
  • src/telegram/: Telegram bot integration for notifications and manual interventions
  • src/web/my-app/: Next.js frontend application

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Install dependencies:

    cd PriceCompare
    npm install
  3. Set up environment variables: Craete the .env file in the root directory and add the following variables:


    Replace the ... with your actual values. These variables are crucial for:

    • Connecting to your MongoDB instance
    • Authenticating your Telegram bot
    • Setting the port for your application
  4. Start the application:

    docker-compose up -d
  5. Access the application:

  • Backend server: http://localhost:3000
  • Frontend interface: http://localhost:3001

Advanced Features

Proxy Rotation

The project implements a smart proxy rotation system to ensure optimal performance and avoid detection:

  • Proxy Source: Free proxies are obtained from ProxyScrape, a reliable source for free proxy lists.
  • Proxy Testing: Each proxy is rigorously tested before use to ensure functionality.
  • Categorization: Proxies are categorized based on their performance:
    • Functional proxies are used for regular scraping operations.
    • Proxies that encounter CAPTCHAs are segregated into a separate list for strategic use.
  • Fallback Mechanism: When all functional proxies are exhausted, the system cleverly falls back to the CAPTCHA-prone list, balancing scraping speed with CAPTCHA challenges.

CAPTCHA Handling

When encountered, CAPTCHAs are solved through a unique system leveraging Telegram bot notifications and noVNC for remote desktop access, allowing for manual intervention without breaking the scraping flow.

Bot Detection Avoidance

Implements various techniques to mimic human behavior, including:

  • Dynamic user agent rotation
  • Realistic scrolling patterns
  • Randomized delays between actions

Telegram Bot Integration

The Telegram bot serves as a powerful tool for monitoring and controlling the scraping process:

Command List:

  • /start: Initiates the bot with a welcome message and prompts to explore commands.
  • /help: Provides a concise guide to the bot's capabilities.
  • /status: Displays the current status of the scraping process, including active runs and next scheduled runs.
  • /execute [source]: Triggers a scraping run. Can focus on specific sources or test CAPTCHA functionality.
  • /captcha: Signals successful CAPTCHA resolution, allowing the scraper to resume.

Additional Functionality:

  • CAPTCHA Requests: Notifies the developer when a CAPTCHA is encountered, providing a noVNC link for manual solving.
  • Status Updates: Keeps the developer informed about scraping progress across different platforms.
  • Run Completion Reports: Provides comprehensive summaries after each scraping run.
  • Reminders: Sends notifications before scheduled scraping runs.

Data Visualization

The frontend provides intuitive visualizations of GPU prices, including:

  • Current prices across different platforms
  • Historical price trends
  • Comparative analysis tools


  1. Server Environment:

    • Deployed on a DigitalOcean droplet (VPS)
    • Runs on a Linux operating system
  2. Frontend Access:

    • The live frontend application is accessible at:
    • Features up-to-date GPU price information, automatically updated daily


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This project is open source and available under the MIT License.


For any queries or suggestions, please open an issue or contact the maintainer at [email protected].

Built with by Matteo Vedovati