
Resources and commands for Docker.

MIT License



Table of Contents



Linux and Networking

Please refer to


Miscellaneous Commands

  • docker version
  • Server: Docker Engine (built on Go lang)
  • docker info


  • To view images on local machine: docker images
  • To remove images: docker image rm ed2 (the entire image ID is not required)
  • To pull image from DockerHub: docker pull nginx
  • To build image
    • docker image build -t harshkapadia/nginx-website .
      • harshkapadia/nginx-website = Docker_ID/img_name
      • . = refering to Dockerfile in currect dir (make sure your cmd is pointing to the correct folder)
  • To push image to DockerHub: docker push harshkapadia/nginx-website


  • To show running containers
    • docker container ls
    • docker container ps
    • docker ps
  • To show all containers on the system
    • docker container ls -a
    • docker ps -a
  • To run container in the foreground
    • docker container run -it -p 80:80 --name my_custom_name_for_nginx nginx
      • container = management command
      • run = sub-command
      • it = interactive terminal, ie, run in the foreground
      • -p or --publish = publish
      • 80:80 = mapping ports (portto_be_used_on_local_machine(useany_port):port_exposed_from_container- (use_default_port_of_service_in_container))
      • nginx = image name
    • Once the img is downloaded:
      • localhost:80 or localhost (default is 80) or (localhost)
      • Win 10 Home users (might not be needed with Docker Desktop): (Since Toolbox is running a Linux VM in VirtualBox, localhost won't work. Use (default) instead.)
    • To stop container: ctrl + c
  • To run container in the background:
    • docker container run -d -p 8080:80 --name my_custom_name_for_nginx nginx
      • -d or --detach = detached
    • To stop container: docker stop my_custom_name_for_nginx or docker container stop my_custom_name_for_nginx
    • To view: (Win 10 Home users - might not be needed with Docker Desktop - localhost might work)
  • To remove container: docker container rm c699 (the entire container ID is not required) (deleting container does not remove the image from the system)
  • To remove running container:
    • First stop the container and use the remove command
    • OR use force: docker container rm c699 -f
  • To remove all containers on the system: docker rm $(docker ps -aq) -f (-f added to remove any running container(s) as well) (this ran in powershell, but not in cmd)
  • Env variables: docker container run -d -p 3306:3306 --name my_sql_user --env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=123456 mysql (you can find the env vars on Docker Hub)
  • To start a new container from an existing image: docker container run -d -p 80:80 --name custom_name_nginx nginx
  • To start an existing container: docker start <container_id>
  • To enter a container: docker container exec -it mynginx bash (start the container using the abv cmd before doing this)
    • After entering:
      • To view file system: ls
      • To get to index.html (displayed on screen at port) (for nginx): cd usr/share/nginx/html
      • To come out of container: exit
      • To edit file, refer to the bind mount section below.

Bind Mount

NOTE: Ports 80 or 8081 might not work with below example. Use 8080, 8082, 8083...

  • To create container:
    • With Docker Toolbox:
      • Refer to for further details on 'x_drive'.
      • Make sure docker-machine is running (docker-machine start)
      • docker container run -d -p 8080:80 -v /x_drive/coding/docker/docker_basics/mounting_example:/usr/share/nginx/html --name - nginx-website nginx
      • Refer to files in the mounting_example folder.
    • With Docker Desktop:
      docker container run -it -v "%cd%":/mnt --name kali kalilinux/kali-rolling
