
Jenkins CI/CD - Advanced Jenkinsfile & Groovy Shared Library of reusable functions and pipelines - AWS, GCP, Docker, Kubernetes, ArgoCD, Slack notifications, Git Merge, Terraform, Cloudflare, Jenkins Job Backups, most major Docker registries, DockerHub, GHCR, ECR, GCR, GAR, ACR, GitLab, Quay

MIT License


Jenkins - Advanced Jenkinsfile & Groovy Shared Library

Advanced Jenkinsfile & Jenkins Shared Library.

  • Jenkinsfile - epic Jenkinsfile template - full of real-world tricks from Production
  • vars/ - Groovy Shared Library reusable functions - used in Production for years

Additional Jenkins scripts are available in my HariSekhon/DevOps-Bash-tools repo for Jenkins Rest API and Jenkins Groovy scripts for the Admin Script Console, and Jenkins-on-Kubernetes in my HariSekhon/Kubernetes-configs repo.

Useful Notes

HariSekhon/Knowledge-Base - Jenkins

HariSekhon/Knowledge-Base - Jenkins-on-Kubernetes



// load this library straight from github - the '_' at the end imports all functions
@Library('') _

pipeline {
  stages {

    stage('Simple Example'){
      steps {
        // call any function from this libary by its filename under vars/... without the .groovy extension
        // see each var/<function>.groovy file for any arguments
        // calls vars/printEnv.groovy

        // run logins for anything you have environment variable secrets/tokens for,
        // including AWS, GCP, DockerHub, GHCR, ECR, GCR, GAR, ACR, GitLab, Quay
        // see examples of individual service login functions in the next Stage

        // show all the cloud systems you're logged in to and who you're logged in as

        // uses whichever package manager is available - portable, used by other functions too
        installPackages(['curl', 'unzip'])

        // launch a GCP Cloud Build job, by default against your cloudbuild.yaml if no args given

        // download tools to $HOME/bin

        // prompts for human click approval before proceeding to next step ie. production deployment

        // GitOps update docker image version for app1 & app2 in Kubernetes Kustomize
        gitKustomizeImage(['myrepo/app1', 'myrepo/app2'])

        // trigger ArgoCD deployment to Kubernetes for app 'my-app'

        // see groovy files under vars/ for more documentation, details and many more useful functions

  // send notifications on broken builds and recoveries
  post {
    failure {
      // finds Git committers who broke build,
      // resolves their Slack user IDs and
      // actively notifies them with @user1 @user2 tags
    fixed {
      // calls one or more notify functions to send Slack messages, emails etc.
      // such as slackNotify()
      // Uppercase N because lowercase clashes with java keyword
      // Use Notify() instead of multiple calls to different notify functions

some slightly more advanced functions:

@Library('') _

pipeline {
  stages {
    stage('Advanced Example'){
      steps {
        // run individual login functions instead of login()

        // log in to GCP cloud with a service account key
        // set up GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS keyfile for 3rd party apps like Terraform

        // log in to DockerHub

        // log in to AWS Elastic Container Registry

        // log in to Google Container Registry

        // flexible custom targeted binary downloads instead of convenience functions like downloadTerraform(), downloadJenkinsCLI():
        // download, extract and install a specific version of a binary to /usr/local/bin if root or $HOME/bin if run as a user
        // here ${version} is a variable previously defined, while {os} and {arch} with no dollar sign are auto-inferred placeholders
        installBinary(url: "${version}/terraform_${version}_{os}_{arch}.zip", binary: 'terraform')
        installBinary(url: "$JENKINS_URL/jnlpJars/jenkins-cli.jar")

        // run a script with locks to prevent another script or deployment happening at same time
        // newer runs will wait to acquire the locks, older pending runs will be skipped
        // third arg is optional to time out this script after 30 minutes
        scriptLockExecute('/path/to/', ['deployment lock', 'script lock'], 30)

        // GitOps update docker image version for app1 & app2 in Kubernetes Kustomize, images served from GCR registry
        gitKustomizeImage(["$GCR_REGISTRY/$GCR_PROJECT/app1", "$GCR_REGISTRY/$GCR_PROJECT/app2"])

        // parallelizes deployments by triggering syncs before deployment wait
        // if you want to save an extra 30 secs, use 2 parallel stages for these 2 syncs

        // waits on each app being fully deployed and passing healthchecks

Ready Made Pipeline Templates

GCP CloudBuild and Deploy Docker Images to Kubernetes via ArgoCD

Builds Docker images and deploys them to Kubernetes via ArgoCD. Optionally scans the repo code, built container images, and purges Cloudflare Cache.

@Library('') _

  project: 'my-gcp-project',
  region: 'europe-west2',
  app: 'my-app',
  env: 'uk-production',
  images: [
  gcr_registry: '',
  gcp_serviceaccount_key: 'jenkins-gcp-serviceaccount-key',  // Jenkins credential id
  cloudflare_email: '[email protected]',       // optional, triggers Cloudflare Cache Purge
  cloudflare_zone_id: '12a34b5c6d7ef8a901b2c3def45ab6c7', // if both these are set and Jenkins 'cloudflare-api-key' credential is available

See gcpDeployKubernetesPipeline.groovy for more details, options etc.

See Jenkins on Kubernetes Diagram further down.

Terraform CI/CD

Handles all logins, Terraform fmt, validate, plan, approval, apply etc.

Non-apply branches do Plan only so you can see if you want to merge.

On the apply branch, eg. master or main, only prompts for approval is there are actual changes in the Terraform plan output.

Saves the Terraform plan output and an approval will only apply that exact plan for safety.

@Library('') _

terraformPipeline(version: '1.1.7',
                  dir: 'deployments/dev',
                  apply_branch_pattern: 'master',
                  creds: [
                    string(credentialsId: 'jenkins-gcp-serviceaccount-key', variable: 'GCP_SERVICEACCOUNT_KEY')
                  container: 'gcloud-sdk',
                  yamlFile: 'ci/kubernetes-agent-pod.yaml')

Applied, ignoring informational fmt check:

Plan found no changes so skipped Apply or asking for Approval:

Plan found changes but Approval was not authorized, so Apply did not proceed:

Git Merges & Backports

Automatically merge one branch into another upon any change eg. backport between environment branches such as any hotfixes in Staging to Dev:

@Library('') _

// git merge from staging branch into dev branch
gitMergePipeline('staging', 'dev')

Git Update Jenkinsfile Library Tag

Enumerates all Jenkins Jobs and Git Tags and Branches to give user a pop-up with parameter choices about which Pipeline's Jenkinsfile to update its @Library tag for, and optionally build that pipeline afterwards.

@Library('jenkins@master') _

    env: [
      "[email protected]",
    creds: [string(credentialsId: 'job-config-backups', variable: 'JENKINS_API_TOKEN')],
    container: 'gcloud-sdk',
    yamlFile: 'ci/kubernetes-agent-pod.yaml'

Jenkins Job Configuration Backups

Download and commit all Jenkins job configurations to the calling Git repo every 3 hours (configurable via optional cron: '...' parameter)

@Library('') _

  dir: 'jobs',  // directory in current repo to download and git commit to
  env: [
    "[email protected]",
    "JENKINS_CLI_ARGS=-webSocket"   // -webSocket gets through reverse proxies like Kubernetes Ingress
  creds: [
    string(credentialsId: 'jenkins-api-token', variable: 'JENKINS_API_TOKEN')
  container: 'gcloud-sdk',
  yamlFile: 'ci/kubernetes-agent-pod.yaml')

More Documentation

Read the comments at the top of each library function under vars/<function>.groovy for more details.

If you want to prevent changes to this library re-triggering the last run of your pipelines, configure it as a a Shared Library in your global Jenkins configuration and untick "Include @Library changes in job recent changes".

See this Jenkins Documentation for more details.

Jenkins on Kubernetes Diagram

For more excellent diagrams like this, see my Diagrams-as-Code repo:


Option 1 - Hashref

Import the library as shown above directly from this repo, replacing @master with @<hashref> to fix to an immutable version (tags are not immutable). This is a GitHub security best practice for CI/CD as seen in this doc.

Option 2 - Public Fork (fully automated)

Fork this repo for more control and visibility over all updates.

Enable the fork-sync github actions workflow in your fork to keep the master branch sync'd every few hours.

You can then create tags or environment branches to stage updates across dev/staging/production.

If using environment branches, enable the fork-update-pr github actions workflow to automatically raise GitHub Pull Requests for your environment branches to audit, authorize & control updates.

Option 3 - Private Copy (semi-automated)

Download the functions you want into your private jenkins shared library repo.

You can use the vars/ script to help you download given *.groovy files and periodically run it to get updates to these previously downloaded functions.

You will be responsible for committing and reconciling any divergences in your local copies.

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The rest of my original source repos are here.

Pre-built Docker images are available on my DockerHub.