
Laravel 8 and React 17 boilerplate

MIT License


Laravel 8 and React 17 boilerplate

There are two different ways to run this demo

Please follow the guide.


  1. Make sure you have composer installed.
  2. Make sure you have latest stable version of node installed.

Option 1

  1. git clone
  2. create a .env file copy content from .env.example and update the values
  3. composer install && composer update
  4. php artisan cron:refresh-database
  5. if npm version < 7 npm install && npm run dev else npm install --legacy-peer-deps && npm run dev
  6. php artisan key:gen
  7. php artisan serve

Option 2


Make sure you have docker and docker-compose installed on you machine.

  1. git clone
  2. create a .env file copy content from .env.docker and do not make any change

run following command in terminal / power shell

docker-compose up -d

when docker will finish building the containers, access the "laravel-react-app" container using following command

docker exec -it lr_app sh

now you will be inside container

run following commands

  1. composer install && composer update
  2. php artisan cron:refresh-database
  3. php artisan key:gen
  4. if npm version < 7 npm install && npm run dev else npm install --legacy-peer-deps && npm run dev

open browser and check the following address



  • Add Redux
  • Add Laravel Sanctum for authentication
  • User Login
  • User Register
  • Users Crud
  • Articles Crud
  • Form validation Client and Server
  • Reset Password
  • Tests
  • Upgrade to Laravel 7
  • Upgrade to React 16.13
  • docker