
Issue and Project tracker build w/ GraphQl, Apollo & React 🔥. Wrapped with 🐋 Docker.

MIT License



Listrrr is a issue and project tracker app built with Node.js, MongoDB and React bootstrapped with docker. It is just a fun project grown from a simple to-do app.

This project consist of React App and the Node Server in the client and server folders respectively. You can ignore the nginx-proxy folder.


  • Node.js
  • MongoDB
  • Docker (optional)
  • docker-compose (optional)


For installing client side dependencies

npm i --prefix client

For installing server dependencies

npm i --prefix server

Envionment File

Rename the .env.sample to .env.


  • You need to create Github Access Token.
  • If you are using docker/docker-compose, make sure you are using correct MongoDB URI.


1. For Docker and docker-compose users

You are rocking Docker in your maching then you can quickly start up the client, server and database in one shot by running the following command

docker-compose up

2. For other users

Without the docker-compose you have to start the client, server and database separately.

For running client/React App

npm start --prefix client

For running the server/Node.js

npm run dev --prefix server

You can ready about the MongoDB here


If you're interested in contributing, or want to explore the source code of this app yourself. Please feel free to create a issue and have some idea for the app you can also create a pull request.