
Powerful Minecraft Server Manager CLI. Easily install jars (server, plugins & mods) and write config files. Docker and git support included.

GPL-3.0 License



Powerful Minecraft Server Manager CLI. Manage your servers using git - easily install jars (server, plugins & mods); manage config files, worlds, entire networks, and more.

[!NOTE] A rewrite which fixes a ton of flaws is underway, join discussion on the discord to be updated of the progress. It can be found under the v2 branch

Getting Started

🚀 Installation Getting Started 📜 Documentation

Submit a PR or open an issue if you have a mcman-server repository that we can add here!


  • 📜 Everything in one simple server.toml file!
  • 📥 Downloads everything automatically for you
  • 🔁 Always keep up to date with new builds and releases
  • 🔒 Does size & hash checks even for cached files for integrity
  • :octocat: Fully git-compatible
  • 📦 Import from or export to mrpacks or packwiz packs
  • 📚 Supports way too many sources, some are:
    • Modrinth, CurseRinth, Spigot, Hangar, Github Releases, Jenkins, Maven
    • Not here? You can use custom urls.
  • 🏷️ Easily render a list of plugins/mods or the server info to markdown files
  • ✨ Managing a network? Use network.toml to manage servers' ports, have shared variables, config files, plugins and mods.
  • 🌐 Keep worlds as worlds/*.zip to version control them, or set it to be downloaded from somewhere!
  • ☔ Develop your servers with hot reloading using mcman dev
  • 🔁 Test your servers using CI (mcman run --test)
  • 🔗 integration
  • 🐳 Supports Docker, out of the box
  • ✔️ No third-party hosts (metadata/mirrors)
  • ⚙️ Better configuration files with config/!
    • Allows you to use config variables inside your config files
    • Use environment variables for secrets

[!IMPORTANT] While mcman can manage your server, its not designed to run it. You should use something else, for example, docker or pterodactyl to run your servers.


"faster than gradle builds"

  • kuylar

"makes even oracle linux usable"

  • PureComedi

"it's ok"

  • null

"I'm technically a contributor"

  • Trash Panda


Changelogs can be see in detail here