
Build custom GCP Cloud Build builders from a config file. Deploy all your GCP Cloud Build Triggers from config files.


Meta Cloud Builders

Supercharge your Cloud Building with these custom Builders!


Build custom Cloud Build images (builders) from a config file.

Manually build this image into your project once (I suggest Cloud Shell).

# clone
git clone
# build
cd meta-cloud-builders/meta-cloud-builder
gcloud builds submit .
# validate
gcloud container images list --filter meta-cloud-builder

Create a .yaml or .json file with repos and the cloud-builder you wish to build into your project:

# .cicd/builders/custom-builders.yaml
- repo:
    - meta-cloud-builder
    - meta-triggers
- repo:
    - cancelot
    - cache

then pass this config file into the meta-cloud-builder step as an arg:

# .cicd/builders.cloudbuild.yaml
  - name:$PROJECT_ID/meta-cloud-builder
    id: "build custom cloud build builder(s) from a config file"
      - "-"
      - ".cicd/builders/custom-builders.yaml"
      - "--async"
  - cloud-builders

This builder then invokes gcloud builds submit ... for cloud-builders defined in the configuration file. You can pass any gcloud builds submit flags to the builder except the --config and SOURCE aspects. See the flags here.


Now with Cloud Build Triggers being created via .yaml config we can run this builders.cloudbuild.yaml whenever we make a change to this config file.

# .cicd/triggers/builders.trigger.yaml
name: cloud-builders
description: Build custom Cloud Build builders into my gcr project on change
  owner: <org/user_name>
  name: <repo_name>
    branch: master
filename: .cicd/builders.cloudbuild.yaml
  - .cicd/builders.cloudbuild.yaml      # the Cloud Build job file
  - .cicd/builders/custom-builders.yaml # the config file

For security purposes, I would suggest only running this trigger on pushes to master so that changes must be approved before they are applied.

Import the Trigger:

gcloud beta builds triggers import --source=.cicd/triggers/builders.trigger.yaml


WIP: the message-body might need changing to run a GitHub-based Trigger - see this Cloud Build Issue.

With custom Cloud Builders you are almost always going to want the latest images from the source. Since we cannot trigger off of changes to external repos, we can at least rebuild these containers on a regular basis, say daily or weekly.

gcloud scheduler jobs create http \
  build-custom-cloud-builders \
  --description="Build custom cloud-builders on a schedule" \
  --schedule="0 0 * * SUN" \
  --http-method="POST" \
  --uri=[PROJECTID]/triggers/[TRIGGERID]:run \
  --message-body={"branchName": "master"} \

Just fill in PROJECTID, TRIGGERID and create a Service Account and fill in the EMAIL_ADDRESS accordingly.

Suggested schedule intervals:

  • daily: 0 0 * * *
  • every sunday: 0 0 * * SUN


Deploy all your Cloud Build Triggers from config files (yaml or json).

Pair this builder with a Trigger and have it run on changes to your Trigger config files.

Manually build this image into your project once.

# clone
git clone
# build
cd meta-cloud-builders/meta-triggers
gcloud builds submit .
# validate
gcloud container images list --filter meta-triggers

The builder runs by recursively checking a directory for files matching a sufix. The defaults are:

  • dir: . - the repo root
  • suffix: .*\.trigger\.(json|yaml) - a Grep -E regex

You can override the params, but they are positionaly args so to override the suffix you must override the dir.

# .cicd/apply-triggers.cloudbuild.yaml
  - name:$PROJECT_ID/meta-triggers
    id: "Watch for changes to all Cloud Build Triggers in provided dir"
      - "-"
      - ".cicd/"
      - ".*\\.trigger\\.(json|yaml)"

Now we want to run this Cloud Build Job any time a file in the --dir changes. So we setup this trigger once:

# .cicd/triggers/meta-trigger.trigger.yaml
name: meta-trigger
description: "Trigger to apply Triggers on change"
  owner: <org/user_name>
  name: <repo_name>
    branch: master
filename: .cicd/apply-triggers.cloudbuild.yaml
  - .cicd/**

For security purposes, I would suggest only running this trigger on pushes to master so that changes must be approved before they are applied.

NB: this will perform a gcloud beta builds triggers import --source="" of Trigger configs that do not change.

🚨 Trigger includedFiles uses Go Regex with additions, whereas the regex used by meta-triggers is Grep -E Perl regex. Take care.


Contributions of any kind are welcome! Feel free to tackle something from the todo list below.


  • meta-triggers: only update triggers that did change by diffing the existing config against the config in files.
  • meta-triggers: fix the run-meta-triggers.trigger.yaml includedFiles regex to include any file in the repo that matches the *.trigger.(json|yaml) regex.
  • general improvements also welcome, though focus on readability.


  • meta-cloud-builder: run from the repo root dir to test:
gcloud builds submit ./meta-cloud-builder/test/ --config=./meta-cloud-builder/test/cloudbuild.yaml
  • meta-triggers: run from the repo root dir to test:
gcloud builds submit ./meta-triggers/test/ --config=./meta-triggers/test/cloudbuild.yaml


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