

Scratch docker image using C#

This repository is sample how to statically link console application into single executable and run on Docker.


This is sizes for experiment

Experiment Size Embed ICU Embed OpenSSL
Console + Invariant globalization 1.28 MB No No
Console + ICU 35.14 MB Yes No
Console + Brotli + Deflate + Gzip 2.22 MB No No
HttpClient 7.64 MB No No
HttpClient + OpenSSL 12.15 MB No Yes
Web API 22.22 MB No Yes
Grpc API 23.71 MB No Yes
Npgsql ADO.NET + ICU 51.58 MB Yes Yes
Npgsql ADO.NET + Invariant globalization 17.70 MB No Yes

Chilsed for comparison

Experiment Size Embed ICU Embed OpenSSL
Web API 29.97 MB No No

Resulting docker image have size of 1.56 MB. Thats after disabling reflection. That's the minimum which I can get without integrating with Docker tightly. Or is it kernel integration I'm dreaming about? Unikernels, I see unikernels around me

Sizes of the components

Based on results I get approximate minimum size of code which added to your application if you using these libraries.

Component Size
Barebone runtime + console 1.28 MB
ICU data 33.86 MB
Globalization support 2.58 MB
Brotli + Deflate + Gzip 0.94 MB
HttpClient 6.36 MB
OpenSSL 3.87 MB
OpenSSL certificates 0.64 MB
Web API 19.94 MB
Grpc API 22.43 MB
Npgsql ADO.NET 16.42 MB

Build and Run

Embedded ICU - 35.14 MB

docker build -t nativeaot-scratch EmbeddedICU 
docker run -i nativeaot-scratch

30 MB is ICU data.

Invariant globalization - 1.28 MB

docker build -t nativeaot-scratch-invariant InvariantGlobalization
docker run -i nativeaot-scratch-invariant

Brotli + Deflate + Gzip - 2.22 MB

docker build -t nativeaot-scratch-compression CompressionEmbedding
docker run -i nativeaot-scratch-compression

HttpClient - 7.64 MB

with reflection unfortunately

docker build -t nativeaot-scratch-http-client -f OpenSslEmbedding/Dockerfile.nossl OpenSslEmbedding
docker run -i nativeaot-scratch-http-client

HttpClient + OpenSSL - 12.15 MB

with reflection unfortunately

docker build -t nativeaot-scratch-openssl OpenSslEmbedding
docker run -i nativeaot-scratch-openssl

Web API - 22.22 MB

with reflection unfortunately

docker build -t nativeaot-scratch-webapi WebApi
docker run -p 5022:80 -i nativeaot-scratch-webapi

Web API accessible on http://localhost:5022.

For SSL configuration take a look at nd create certs folder with certificates. Then you can run following command.

docker run --rm -it -p 8000:80 -p 8001:443 -e ASPNETCORE_URLS="https://+;http://+" -e ASPNETCORE_HTTPS_PORT=8001 -e ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development -e ASPNETCORE_Kestrel__Certificates__Default__Path=/https/ -e ASPNETCORE_Kestrel__Certificates__Default__KeyPath=/https/ -v $PWD\certs/:/https/ nativeaot-scratch-webapi

Web API accessible on http://localhost:8000 and https://localhost:8001.

GrpcApi - 23.71 MB

with reflection unfortunately

docker build -t nativeaot-scratch-grpcapi GrpcApi
docker run --rm -it -p 8010:80 -p 8011:443 -e ASPNETCORE_URLS="https://+;http://+" -e ASPNETCORE_HTTPS_PORT=8001 -e ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development -e ASPNETCORE_Kestrel__Certificates__Default__Path=/https/ -e ASPNETCORE_Kestrel__Certificates__Default__KeyPath=/https/ -v $PWD\certs/:/https/ nativeaot-scratch-grpcapi

NpgCli + Globalization - 51.58 MB

with reflection unfortunately

docker build -t nativeaot-scratch-npgsql NpgCli
docker run -i -e ConnectionString='Host=;Username=postgres;Password=postgrespw' nativeaot-scratch-npgsql

NpgCli - 17.70 MB

with reflection unfortunately

docker build -t nativeaot-scratch-npgsql-noicu NpgCli -f NpgCli/Dockerfile.noicu
docker run -i -e ConnectionString='Host=;Username=postgres;Password=postgrespw' nativeaot-scratch-npgsql-noicu

Web API on Chiseled - 29.97 MB

with reflection unfortunately

docker build -t nativeaot-scratch-webapi-chiseled WebApiChiseled
docker run -p 5122:80 -i nativeaot-scratch-webapi-chiseled

Web API accessible on http://localhost:5122.

docker run --rm -it -p 8000:80 -p 8001:443 -e ASPNETCORE_URLS="https://+;http://+" -e ASPNETCORE_HTTPS_PORT=8001 -e ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development -e ASPNETCORE_Kestrel__Certificates__Default__Path=/https/ -e ASPNETCORE_Kestrel__Certificates__Default__KeyPath=/https/ -v $PWD\certs/:/https/ nativeaot-scratch-webapi

Inspeciting scratch container

You can use dive

docker run --rm -it `
     -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock `
     wagoodman/dive:latest nativeaot-scratch

or export tar with container

docker save nativeaot-scratch -o nativeaot-scratch.tar

Testing that building inside Alpine works.

That's was needed when NativeAOT does not have objwriter for musl. Still interesting if you need to build augment ObjWriter.

docker build -t test-build -f Dockerfile.objwriter .

Smoke test for ObjWriter build

docker build -t nativeaot-scratch-build -f Dockerfile.objwriter .
docker run -i nativeaot-scratch-build

Compiled is located at artifacts/obj/InstallRoot-/lib inside docker.

docker run --name postgres-aot -e "POSTGRES_USER=postgres" -e "POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgrespw" -p 5432:32768 -d postgres
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