
Programmatic API to Docker Machine.

MIT License



Programmatic API to Docker Machine (0.6.0+). Wraps the docker-machine CLI.

Table of Contents


node example.js ls /

const Machine = require('docker-machine')
const cmd = process.argv.slice(2)
const machine = new Machine()

// Start if not already started
machine.start(function (err) {
  if (err) throw err

  // Execute a command
  machine.ssh(cmd, (err, result) => {
    if (err) throw err


new Machine([name || opts])


  • name: defaults to DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME or "default"

machine.status((err, status) => ..)

Get lowercased status of the machine.

machine.isRunning((err, running) => ..)

True if status is running.

machine.start(err => ..)

Start machine, if not already running.

machine.stop(err => ..)

Stop machine, if not already stopped.

machine.kill(err => ..)

Kill machine, if not already stopped.

machine.env([opts], (err, result) => ..)

Get the environment variables to dictate that Docker should run a command against a particular machine. By default, env() returns the output from docker-machine env as-is. That is, a script which can be run in a subshell. Options:

  • shell: custom shell. Ignored if parse is true.
  • parse: if true, result will be a plain object:
  DOCKER_HOST: 'tcp://<ip>:<port>',
  DOCKER_CERT_PATH: '<home>/.docker/machine/machines/<name>',

machine.ssh(command, (err, result) => ..)

Run a command via SSH. The command can be a string or an array.

machine.inspect((err, result) => ..)

Get the output of docker-machine inspect as a plain object with camelCase properties.

Static methods

All of the above methods (from status() to inspect()) are also accessible as static methods, where the first argument is a name. For example:

const Machine = require('docker-machine')

Machine.env('default', { json: true }, (err, result) => {

Machine.create(name, driver[, options], (err) => ..)

Create a machine. Options are driver-specific.

const options = {
  'virtualbox-memory': '1024'

Machine.create('test', 'virtualbox', options, (err) => {
  if (err) throw err

Machine.list([opts], (err, machines) => ..)

Get all machines as an array, via docker-machine ls. Each machine is a plain object with camelCase properties.

  name: 'agent-1',                  // Machine name
  activeHost: false,                // Is the machine an active host?
  activeSwarm: false,               // Is the machine an active swarm master?
  active: '*',                      // Human-readable combination of the above
  driverName: 'virtualbox',         // Driver name
  state: 'running',                 // Machine state (running, stopped)
  url: 'tcp://', // Machine URL
  swarm: null,                      // Machine swarm name
  dockerVersion: 'v1.12.0',         // Docker Daemon version
  responseTime: 980,                // Time taken by the host to respond (ms)
  error: null                       // Machine errors


  • timeout: ls timeout in seconds (see docker/machine#1696)
  • inspect: if true, also include the metadata from inspect() for each machine:
  name: 'agent-1',                  // Plus all of the above
  driver: {                         // Driver metadata
    cpu: 1,
    memory: 2048,
    hostOnlyCidr: '',
  hostOptions: {                    // Various host options
    engineOptions: ..
    swarmOptions: ..


With npm do:

npm install docker-machine


MIT © 2016-present Vincent Weevers