
Fullstack WebApp in Node+Express+Mongo - Deployed on Kubernetes & Architecture Explaination Diagrams



Stack - Node.js + Express.js + MongoDB + Docker + Kubernetes + Prometheus + Grafana + Spekt8

  • Node Project
  • Docker and Dockerfile
  • Docker Push
  • Creating Kubernetes Cluster
  • Setting Up Kubernetes on Machine
  • Setting up and Deploying MongoDb
  • Setting up main app and Deploying
  • Installing Helm
  • Setting up Prometheus and Grafan with Helm Charts
  • Port forwarding Prometheus-manager,Grafana and Alertmanager to localhost
  • Monitor Clusters and all architecture from localhost.

Node Project

For Running The web app locally:

$  mv  /local/node  ~./home          //move node app to home directory because db setup at home for time to time restart.
$ npm install
$ node app.js 

Docker file and Dockerhub

For Running web App in Docker 

$ cd Node_Project or cd local/node    //Node_project - Production | local/node - local run

$ docker build   -t  dockerhub-username/node-project .

$ docker images  -a     //check for build image

$ docker push username/repository:tag

$ docker-compose up --build  

$ Open --->  localhost:3000

Getting Started With Kubernetes

For Running WebApp Clusters and Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana

  • Download cluster Config file from owner of cluster and connect to the cluster:
 $ cd ~/.kube && kubectl --kubeconfig="clustername-kubeconfig.yaml" get nodes
  • Get kubectl nodes:
$ kubect get nodes
  • Get pods:
    $ kubectl get pods 
  • Get Services :
$ kubectl get services
  • Get Deployments:
$ kubectl get services
  • See MongoDb pods
$ kubectl exec -it mongo-mongodb-replicaset-0 -- mongo -u tikam -p --authenticationDatabase admin
  • Port Forward Grafans to monitor in localhost:
$ kubectl port-forward -n monitoring svc/doks-cluster-monitoring-grafana 8000:80
  • Port Forward Prometheus to monitor in localhost:
$  kubectl port-forward -n monitoring svc/doks-cluster-monitoring-pr-prometheus  9090:9090
  • listing running Services in the monitoring namespace:
    $ kubectl get svc -n monitoring
  • Deploying Spekt8 :
$ kubectl apply -f spekt8-deployment.yaml

$ kubectl apply -f fabric8-rbac.yaml.

$ kubectl port-forward deployment/spekt8 3000:3000