
Docker image with php-fpm 8.0 running on Alpine Linux 3.16 with MongoDB extension installed.


A Docker image created on top of php-fpm 8.0 official image running on Alpine 3.16. It is a multi-environment/multi-purpose image that has several PHP extensions installed, such as MongoDB and Xdebug for example.

The final size of the images is considerably small if you take into account the content of each image:

scaffoldeducation/php8:fpm-dev          277MB
scaffoldeducation/php8:fpm-prod         277MB
scaffoldeducation/php8:nginx-fpm-dev    321MB
scaffoldeducation/php8:nginx-fpm-prod   321MB
scaffoldeducation/php8:quality          341MB

Based on kooldev/php docker image from Firework Web



FROM scaffoldeducation/php8:fpm-dev
FROM scaffoldeducation/php8:fpm-prod
FROM scaffoldeducation/php8:nginx-fpm-dev
FROM scaffoldeducation/php8:nginx-fpm-prod
FROM scaffoldeducation/php8:quality


Tag Description
fpm-dev it has a lot of extensions installed, but not opcache
fpm-prod it has everything from fpm-dev except xdebug and it includes opcache
nginx-fpm-dev based on fpm-dev, it has nginx installed with SSL support
nginx-fpm-prod same above but based on fpm-prod
quality it descends from fpm-dev too but its main purpose is to run code quality tools



  • Alpine Linux 3.16
  • php-fpm 8.0.27
  • nginx 1.22.1


  • dockerize 0.7.0
  • supervisor 0.6.3
  • composer 2


  • dependencies: bash freetype ghostscript gifsicle icu imagemagick jpegoptim less libjpeg-turbo libldap libpng libpq libzip-dev openssh-client optipng pngquant procps shadow su-exec

  • build-dependencies: freetype-dev icu-dev imagemagick-dev libedit-dev libjpeg-turbo-dev libpng-dev libxml2-dev linux-headers oniguruma-dev openldap-dev postgresql-dev

PHP Extensions

  • mysqli mongodb redis xdebug bcmath calendar exif gd imagick intl ldap mbstring opcache pcntl pdo pdo_mysql pdo_pgsql soap sockets xml zip

Nginx best practices

  • h5bp 3.3.0 for nginx performance and security

Quality Tools

  • phan 5.4.2
  • phpcpd 6.0.3
  • phpcs 3.7.2
  • php-cs-fixer 3.40.0
  • phpmd 2.14.1
  • phpstan 1.10.45
  • phpunit 9.6.13

Check versions

php --ri imagick  # 3.7.0
php --ri mongodb  # 1.17.0
php --ri pcov     # 1.0.11
php --ri redis    # 6.0.2
php --ri xdebug   # 3.2.2


  • Allow customize versions of PECL extensions
  • Write tests for SSL support in nginx
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