
Rust REST API boilerplate using SQL (No ORM)



A REST API boilerplate written in Rust, heavily inspired by Django.

Table of contents

Technology Overview

Problem Solution Result
Database Postgres It's Postgres :)
Rust SQL Toolkit SQLx Query the database with compile timed SQL (no ORM!)
Webframework Actix Web Very fast web server
OpenAPI Generation Paperclip Automatically generated specification of your API, which can be used to generate your API client.


  • Testing - Unit
  • Testing - Integration
  • How to implement custom users with core::auth
  • Develop locally or inside a docker container.
  • Heroku Deployed Docker Container

Getting started

To quickly get up an running you can use Docker Compose. Although your IDE will typically work better if everything installed locally.


Make sure you have Docker Desktop

This will start the database and run migrations.

docker-compose up migrations

Start your local development server, any changes will reload the code.

docker-compose up app

Now browse localhost:8000

Lets now start the integration tests watcher.

Stop the app (quicker iteration as we dont need to wait on the app) docker-compose stop app

Same as the app container any code changes will automatically docker-compose up tests

this will start and reload the integration tests when any code changes. We stop the app container as the two containers will often


Make sure you have rust and cargo and postgres installed.

Create your database.

createdb pexp

And run migrations

sqlx migrate run

Install cargo watch

cargo install cargo-watch

This is equivalent to cargo run but with autoreload on changes in src folder.

cargo watch --watch src --exec run

To run tests we can use.

cargo run tests

To run a specific test.

cargo test users::model::test_model_create

This will run the test_model_create in tests/users

Database Migrations

Creating a new migration using docker. docker-compose exec app sqlx mig add test_migration

or locally

sqlx migrate add test_migration

Running migrations docker-compose exec app sqlx mig run

If you find yourself quickly iterating on your schema this will reset the database with your new schema.

docker-compose down && \
docker volume rm planet-express_pgdata && \
docker-compose up migrations && \
docker-compose up tests


The following has been automated into the CI pipeline and here for reference.

Using Docker containers here means we can transition from Heroku in the future easily.


heroku container:login

Due to SQLx requiring a database during compile time to check our SQL statements we need to set our network to host and have a database live with our migrations.

docker-compose up -d migrations && docker build --network="host" -t web .

docker tag web docker push

If you haven't added a database yet run

heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev

Configure our secrets heroku config:set APP_AUTH__JWT_SECRET=supersecret

heroku config:set APP_AUTH__PASSWORD_SALT=supersecret

Finally release

heroku container:release web

Generate Client libraries for your API

With OpenAPI support we can generate clients based on our API. So if say we were building a React app we can automatically have our API translated into an API Client written in Javascript, Typescript orr any of the other generators available including rust!

To get started, lets start our server and export our api spec to a file we can pass to the generator.

curl > api-spec.json

Lets see what kinda of things we can generate with our api spec.

docker run openapitools/openapi-generator-cli:v4.3.0 list

You can see

CLIENT generators:
    - javascript
docker run \
-v ${PWD}/api-client:/local/out/javascript \
-v ${PWD}/api-spec.json:/local/in/api-spec.json \
openapitools/openapi-generator-cli:v4.3.0 generate \
--input-spec /local/in/api-spec.json \
--generator-name javascript \
--output /local/out/javascript \

If using typescript also add to the end


It's best to have this committed in a different repo but generated whenever the the API is updated and built