
Demo for Rust, React, Typescript, Docker, Terraform and Kubernetes




This repository contains demo code for my YouTube programming learning series about Rust, React, TypeScript, Docker, Terraform and Kubernetes. For this project, we're creating foodi, a meal logging tool.

This project is intended to serve as an example, and can be used as boilerplate for starting your own project. You can also watch the videos to learn more about how it was built (mostly trial and error, like a lot of things in life 😀).

This repo has the following features:

You can find the videos on YouTube below:

In the series, we're building foodi, a web-based meal logger/tracking tool.

Compiling the Rust Backend Server

To build the Rust backend, you will need to install the Rust nightly build with rustup. First, go to and install rustup. Then, install Rust nightly:

$ rustup default nightly

Once you have the nightly build installed, you can build the backend.

Build the Backend

$ cd foodi-backend
$ cargo build

Run the Database Migration Scripts

To create the initial database schema, run the migration scripts using sqlx:

$ cargo install sqlx-cli
$ sqlx migrate run

Building the Backend Server

Lastly, you can now run the backend server:

$ cargo run

Running the Frontend Server

To build and run the frontend assets and server, you will need a recent version of Node.js and Yarn installed. Using homebrew on macOS, you can install it with homebrew:

$ brew install yarn

Install package dependencies

Install the frontend package dependencies using Yarn:

$ cd foodi-frontend
$ yarn install

Run the Frontend Server

Use parcel to run the frontend development server:

$ parcel index.html

Build and run the Docker image

Assuming you have Docker installed, run the build command from the top level of the repo:

$ docker build . -t foodi:latest

Once the build completes, run the container, and map port 80 from inside the container to outside the container on port 8080 (on your host machine):

$ docker run -p 8080:80 foodi:latest

🎉 Now you can open http://localhost:8080/ in your browser and test the app.

Extracted from project README
Node.js CI Rust