
A wacky assortment of Kotlin-based DSL generators for various file specs

MIT License



What is Skelegro

Skelegro is a collection of Kotlin DSLs made to assist in the generation of full-fledged repositories. Currently, they are being built on a by-need basis, and are constructed in a highly manual manner. Ideally, in a follow up version, this could be modified to generate DSLs from source much like the amazing

There are some challenges with that approach however, which is why the MVP libraries are all manually declared. Primarily, the generative approach requires something to generate off of. Codified sources such as an API spec, JsonSchema, etc. would all suffice.

How to install

Skelegro is published to Maven Central.

repositories {

dependencies {



The following example maps to a test yaml file that can be found in the test resources of the skelegro-yml source code.

This builds a GitHub Action manifest

val manifest = yamlFile {
  "name" eq "Build and Deploy"
  "on" block {
    "push" block {
      "branches" block {
        - "main"
  "env" block {
    "ACTOR" eq "\${{ }}"
    "SECRET" eq "\${{ github.secret }}"
  "jobs" block {
    "assemble" block {
      "runs-on" eq "ubuntu-latest"
      "steps" block {
        - ("uses" req "actions/checkout@v2")
        - ("uses" req "actions/setup-java@v1")
        indent {
          "with" block {
            "java-version" eq "1.11"
        - ("name" req "Cache Gradle Packages")
        indent {
          "uses" eq "actions/cache@v2"
          "with" block {
            "path" eq "~/.gradle/caches"
            "key" eq "\${{ runner.os }}-gradle-\${{ hashFiles('**/*.gradle.kts') }}"
            "restore-keys" eq "\${{ runner.os }}-gradle"
        - ("name" req "Assemble Gradle")
        indent {
          "run" eq "gradle assemble"
    "publish-kotlin-images" block {
      "runs-on" eq "ubuntu-latest"
      "needs" block {
        - "assemble"
      "steps" block {
        - ("uses" req "actions/checkout@v2")
        - ("uses" req "actions/setup-java@v1")
        indent {
          "with" block {
            "java-version" eq "1.11"
        - ("name" req "Docker Login")
        indent {
          "uses" eq "docker/login-action@v1"
          "with" block {
            "registry" eq ""
            "username" eq "\${{ secrets.ACTOR }}"
            "password" eq "\${{ secrets.SECRET }}"
        - ("name" req "Cache Gradle Packages")
        indent {
          "uses" eq "actions/cache@v2"
          "with" block {
            "path" eq "~/.gradle/caches"
            "key" eq "\${{ runner.os }}-gradle-\${{ hashFiles('**/*.gradle.kts') }}"
            "restore-keys" eq "\${{ runner.os }}-gradle"
        - ("name" req "Builds image and tags for github packages repo")
        indent {
          "run" eq "./gradlew dockerTagGithubPackages"
        - ("name" req "Pushes image to github package repo")
        indent {
          "run" eq "./gradlew dockerPushGithubPackages --parallel"


The following builds a simple dockerfile that can be found in the test resources of the skelegro-docker module

docker {
  FROM {
    comment = "A basic apache server with PHP. To use either add or bind mount content under /var/www"
    image = "kstaken/apache2"
    labels = listOf(
      Pair("maintainer", "Kimbro Staken"),
      Pair("version", "0.1")
  RUN {
    commands = listOf(
      "apt-get update",
      "apt-get install -y php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mysql php5-cli",
      "apt-get clean",
      "rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*"
    separator = " && "
  CMD {
    instructions = listOf(


The following example maps (almost) one-to-one with the build.gradle.kts found in the root of this repository

val buildScript = buildGradleKts {
  "plugins" block {
    +(fn("id", "org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm") version "1.4.32" apply false)
    +(fn("id", "io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt") version "1.16.0-RC2" apply false)
    +(fn("id", "com.adarshr.test-logger") version "3.0.0" apply false)
  "allprojects" block {
    "group" eq "org.leafygreens"
    "version" eq "0.0.1"
    "repositories" block {
      "maven" block {
        "url" eq FunctionCall("uri").withArguments("")
    +fn("apply", NamedParameter("plugin", "org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm"))
    +fn("apply", NamedParameter("plugin", "io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt"))
    +fn("apply", NamedParameter("plugin", "com.adarshr.test-logger"))
    +fn("apply", NamedParameter("plugin", "java-library"))
    +fn("apply", NamedParameter("plugin", "maven-publish"))
    +fn("apply", NamedParameter("plugin", "idea"))
    fn("tasks.withType<Test>") block {
    "configure<com.adarshr.gradle.testlogger.TestLoggerExtension>" block {
      "theme" eq EnumReference("com.adarshr.gradle.testlogger.theme.ThemeType.MOCHA")
      "logLevel" eq EnumReference("LogLevel.LIFECYCLE")
      "showExceptions" eq true
      "showStackTraces" eq true
      "showFullStackTraces" eq false
      "showCauses" eq true
      "slowThreshold" eq 2000
      "showSummary" eq true
      "showSimpleNames" eq false
      "showPassed" eq true
      "showSkipped" eq true
      "showFailed" eq true
      "showStandardStreams" eq false
      "showPassedStandardStreams" eq true
      "showSkippedStandardStreams" eq true
      "showFailedStandardStreams" eq true
    fn("tasks.withType<org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile>").plus(".configureEach") block {
      "kotlinOptions" block {
        "jvmTarget" eq "11"
    "configure<io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt.extensions.DetektExtension>" block {
      "toolVersion" eq "1.16.0-RC2"
      "config" eq FunctionCall("files").withArguments("\${rootProject.projectDir}/detekt.yml")
      "buildUponDefaultConfig" eq true
    "configure<PublishingExtension>" block {
      "repositories" block {
        "maven" block {
          "name" eq "GithubPackages"
          "url" eq FunctionCall("uri").withArguments("")
          "credentials" block {
            "username" eq FunctionCall("System.getenv").withArguments("GITHUB_ACTOR")
            "password" eq FunctionCall("System.getenv").withArguments("GITHUB_TOKEN")
    "configure<JavaPluginExtension>" block {


Let's explore using skelegro-hcl to generate a Terraform manifest for a kubernetes deployment

val manifest = hclFile {
  "variable" label "github_token" block {
    "type" eq HclType.STRING
    "sensitive" eq true
  "resource" label "kubernetes_deployment" label "potato_app" block {
    "metadata" block {
      "name" eq FunctionCall("base64decode").withArguments(
        Reference("data", "digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster", "cluster", "kube_config", 0, "cluster_ca_certificate")
      "labels" eqBlock {
        "application" eq "potato-app"
        "owner" eq "big-boss"
    "spec" block {
      "replicas" eq 3
      "selector" block {
        "match_labels" eqBlock {
          "application" eq "potato-app"
          "owner" eq "big-boss"
      "template" block {
        "metadata" block {
          "labels" eqBlock {
            "application" eq "potato-app"
            "owner" eq "big-boss"
        "spec" block {
          "image_pull_secrets" block {
            "name" eq "ghcr"
          "container" block {
            "image" eq "my-image:latest"
            "name" eq "potato-app"
            "image_pull_policy" eq "Always"
            "port" block {
              "container_port" eq 8080
              "protocol" eq "TCP"
            "env" block {
              "name" eq "MY_SPECIAL_ENV_VAR"
              "value" eq Reference("data", "vault_generic_secret", "credentials", "data[\"token\"]")
            "env" block {
              "name" eq "GITHUB_TOKEN"
              "value" eq Reference("var", "github_token")
            "resources" block {
              "limits" eqBlock {
                "cpu" eq "1"
                "memory" eq "1024Mi"
              "requests" eqBlock {
                "cpu" eq "0.5"
                "memory" eq "512Mi"
            "liveness_probe" block {
              "http_get" block {
                "path" eq "/"
                "port" eq 8080
              "initial_delay_seconds" eq 30
              "period_seconds" eq 30