
🐳 📡 Docker way of running SonarQube + any DB

LGPL-3.0 License


Sonar On Docker

A complete guide to running SonarQube with any DB in Docker.


Orchestrating Docker with compose sounds easy, but there are a few pitfalls in practice. Read on to learn about the whole story, or if you just wanna run it, jump directly to Getting Started.

When running SonarQube and database containers together by compose for the first time, you may encounter errors like this:

Can not connect to database. Please check connectivity and settings (see the properties prefixed by 'sonar.jdbc.').

Its because database initialization process takes a bit longer than SonarQubes boot time, especially when there is no persistent database.

So, how to detect the readiness state of the database connection?

What failed:

  • depends_on option: You can specify this option in the docker-compose.yml file to start services in dependency order, but it won't wait for the dependent service to be ready.

  • wait script: The wait-for-it script recommended in Docker's Controlling startup order in Compose article can be used to check the availability of the database port and wait. Unfortunately, this doesn't help either. The reason is that the port will be available right after the database container starts, but that doesnt mean the database connection is ready. Just forget about nc -v -n -z -w1 $HOST $PORT.

  • HEALTHCHECK instruction: This new feature is available for Dockerfiles since version 1.12, but not yet for docker-compose (now it is there). Usage: HEALTHCHECK [OPTIONS] CMD command. This sounds promising, but you still have to write the command on your own, to tell Docker what to check.

  • Database command: How about running mysql -e "select 1" to check the database availability? Yep - but wait a second - the SonarQube container doesn't have a mysql client installed, and we have no control over the official SonarQube docker image.

  • Web Server: Yet another hack - what if we set up a minimal (one-liner) web server in the MySQL container that responds with the database status? Something like while true; do echo -e "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n$(db_status)" | nc -l -q 0 -p 9999; done. Unfortunately again, netcat is usually not part of the database image.

  • Database logs: MySQL writes its readiness status to the logs, so maybe we could try searching there with grep 'ready for connections'. Normally, the logs are only accessible within the MySQL container, or from the host machine, but not from the SonarQube container. Perhaps we could try to persist MySQL logs to the host directory by adding command: bash -c "mkdir -p /var/log/mysql && mysqld 2>&1 | tee /var/log/mysql/mysql.log" and volumes: ./data/mysql:/var/log/mysql. Then we could mount the volume to share it with the SonarQube container, so that it would be available there. But do we really want to mess with adding command and volumes configurations on both services' sides?

There has to be a better way

What worked:

  • JDBC: finally, there comes an easy solution - creating a Java file with some JDBC code that checks the database availability (lucky for us, a Java environment and the JDBC jar file are both available in the SonarQube container). All we needed to do is override the entrypoint of the SonarQube container to first check the database availability via this Java code, then run the default entrypoint shell script when the database is ready. Pretty slick and it works great!


Starting with SonarQube v7.9, it will no longer support MySQL. For more information, please visit End of Life of MySQL Support. As a result, for any paragraph below mentioning MySQL, please ignore. Unless you still wanna use MySQL with SonarQube v7.7 (or earlier version).

Getting Started


  1. Make sure that you've cloned the whole project, particularly the - for checking the readiness of database.

  2. Pull the desired version of docker images for SonarQube and database (e.g. MySQL or PostgreSQL):

    # pull SonarQube image
    docker pull sonarqube[:TAG]
    # pull database image
    docker pull mysql[:TAG]
    # or
    docker pull postgres[:TAG]

    Heads-up: It's NOT a good idea to directly use the latest version of a database without checking the SonarQube requirements (prerequisite for the latest SonarQube version, or docs for previous versions). For instance, SonarQube 6.3 only supports MySQL 5.6 & 5.7. And if you spin up SonarQube 6.3 with MySQL 8.0, an exception would be thrown:

    com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: Could not create connection to database server.
  3. (Optional - MySQL & macOS only) There is a permission problem when mount a host directory in MySQL container using boot2docker.

    [ERROR] InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file operation.
    [ERROR] InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to the directory.


    • Build a custom MySQL image for macOS (don't forget to change the latest tag in mysql_mac/Dockerfile):

      docker build -t mysql_mac[:TAG] [PATH_OF_THIS_REPO_ON_YOUR_DISK]/mysql_mac/
    • Edit docker-compose-mysql.yml, replace image: mysql by image: mysql_mac.

  4. In order to persist data, you need to setup mounting data volumes: replace two mounting points under volumes in docker-compose-<db>.yml file.

    - [PATH_TO_PERSIST_SONAR_DATA_ON_HOST]:/opt/sonarqube/extensions

    Note: the path to persist data on host could be a relative path, e.g.: ./data/xyz

  5. Instead of using default empty tag or dynamic latest tag, please alter them in Dockerfile or docker-compose file with more specific tags. Because latest can lead to unpredictable and unrepeatable image builds.


docker-compose -f [PATH_OF_THIS_REPO_ON_YOUR_DISK]/docker-compose-<db>.yml up

Persist Data

  • SonarQube's plugins.

  • All historical analysis data, imported rules, changed settings are saved in database.

    # or

Don't persist ElasticSearch indices (which is located at /opt/sonarqube/data/es), let it rebuild by itself, otherwise it could cause problem during upgrading. And any ungraceful shutdown (such as crash) of SonarQube could lead to out-of-sync indices.


Always keep a backed up database in case upgrade fails and roll back is needed.


  1. Perform a logical backup on the old version of MySQL

    mysqldump -u sonar -p --opt sonar > [PATH_TO_MYSQL_BACKUP]/sonar.sql
  2. Start a MySQL docker container (new version of MySQL)

    docker run -i -t -v [PATH_TO_MYSQL_BACKUP]:/tmp -v [PATH_TO_PERSIST_DB]:/var/lib/mysql mysql /bin/bash
  3. Start MySQL server

    /etc/init.d/mysql start
  4. Start MySQL client

  5. Create and use the database

    create database sonar;
    use sonar;
  6. Grant privileges to user

    grant all on sonar.* to 'sonar'@'%' identified by 'sonar';
    grant all on sonar.* to 'sonar'@'localhost' identified by 'sonar';
    grant usage on *.* to sonar@localhost identified by 'sonar';
    grant all privileges on sonar.* to sonar@localhost;
  7. Restore the backup file (by executing SQL script)

    source /tmp/sonar.sql
  8. Quit MySQL client

  9. Stop MySQL server

    /etc/init.d/mysql stop

Now you have successfully restored the database on the new version of MySQL. The database data are stored in path_to_persist_db of your host.


SonarQube Server upgrade process is automated, you have nothing to manually change in the SonarQube Database.

Migration path: [YOUR_VERSION] -> LTS (if exists) -> [EXPECTED_VERSION]

Upgrading guide by SonarQube (just for reference, please follow below steps.)

Don't try to stop the SonarQube server, if you kill the process, the SonarQube container exits immediately. So you can't really upgrade SonarQube by hand within its container. Don't worry, just try below steps.


  1. Use the new sonarqube image in docker-compose-<db>.yml;
  2. Run docker-compose -f [PATH_OF_THIS_REPO_ON_YOUR_DISK]/docker-compose-<db>.yml up;
  3. Wait until sonarqube is up.

For big SonarQube upgrading, it also requires database upgrading, but this happens automatically.

  1. After the new SonarQube container is up, open its web page, you'll be redirected to a maintenance page;

    sonarqube_1  | 2099.12.31 12:00:00 WARN  web[o.s.s.p.DatabaseServerCompatibility] Database must be upgraded. Please backup database and browse /setup
    sonarqube_1  | 2099.12.31 12:00:00 INFO  web[o.s.s.p.Platform] DB needs migration, entering safe mode
  2. Open http://[YOUR_SONARQUBE_URL]:9000/setup;

  3. Click the Upgrade button.

The database upgrade can take several minutes. When the DB migration ends successfully, the page will display "Database is up-to-date", then redirect you to home page.


Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Jing Li. SonarOnDocker is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3.0. See the LICENSE file for details.

Extracted from project README
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