
MIT License


Spring integration tests

Integration testing is a healthy part of the test pyramid

  • Improved portability: Mocking your dependencies with testcontainers allows you to run your tests anywhere Docker is installed. It removes the need for username/password credentials and open ports to the external network, and the overall overhead associated with these resources.
  • Known stateful setup: Utilizing testcontainers allows you to have the same consistent state before every run of your functional test. This reduces the reliance on a proper test state in your real dependencies. The “ephemeral” nature of docker containers helps. ie. we mean that the container can be stopped and destroyed, then rebuilt and replaced with an absolute minimum set up and configuration.

Definition of an integration test

An integration test can be any of the following:

  • a test that covers multiple “units”. It tests the interaction between two or more clusters of cohesive classes.
  • a test that covers multiple layers. This is actually a specialization of the first case and might cover the interaction between a business service and the persistence layer, for instance.
  • a test that covers the whole path through the application. In these tests, we send a request to the application and check that it responds correctly and has changed the database state according to our expectations.

Test showcases

  • CustomerFullBlownITshowcase full blown integ test with db (bootstraps entire web container) mvn test -Dtest=CustomerFullBlownIT
  • CustomerFullBlownEmbeddedIT showcase full blown integ test with embedded db (bootstraps spring app context but not starts server) mvn test -Dtest=CustomerFullBlownEmbeddedIT
  • CustomerFullBlownTestConITshowcase full blown integ test with testcontainer db (bootstraps entire web container) mvn test -Dtest=CustomerFullBlownTestConIT
  • CustomerControllerIT showcase integ test with only web layer (not start http server) mvn test -Dtest=CustomerControllerIT
  • CustomerThirdPartyAPIIT showcase generic container to test out integration with 3rd party API mvn test -Dtest=CustomerThirdPartyAPIIT
  • CustomerS3LocalStackIT AWS s3 example with localstack mvn test -Dtest=CustomerS3LocalStackIT
  • CustomerGithubActionsIT showcase running as github action with docker containers mvn test -Dtest=CustomerGithubActionsIT
  • CustomerRestAssuredIT showcase using restAssured mvn test -Dtest=CustomerRestAssuredIT
  • CustomerControllerExceptionHandIT showcase exception handling mvn test -Dtest=CustomerControllerExceptionHandIT

Mvn failsafe plugin

Run all integration tests

mvn -V -ff verify


  • Do not run unit and integ tests together (use diff src sets or use maven failsafe plugin)
  • Caution when Customizing the Application Context : Each customization of the application context is one more thing that makes it different from the "real" application context that is started up in a production setting. So, in order to make our tests as close to production as we can, we should only customize what's really necessary to get the tests running!
  • The benefit of Testcontainers is that the database always starts in a known state, without any contamination between test runs or on developers' local machines.
  • If our PostgreSQL container is going to listen to a random port every time, then we should somehow set and change the spring.datasource.url configuration property dynamically. Solution is to use Spring @DynamicPropertySource

Start the app

#can create a docker compose file here instead
docker run --name postgres-demo -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=root -p 5432:5432 -d postgres:11
docker run -d -p8090:8081 shanelee007/greetings-api:latest
docker run -d -p 4566:4566 -p 4571:4571 localstack/localstack -e "SERVICES=dynamodb,s3"

mvn spring-boot:run
docker exec -it postgres-demo bash
psql -d postgres -U postgres
\l #list databases
\dt #list tables
\dn #list schemas
\s #command history

SELECT * from customer;

Junit insights report



[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  01:30 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2021-07-06T21:59:11+10:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

AFTER with parallel execution

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  01:15 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2021-07-06T22:30:02+10:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
