
Experimental Mesos framework for Docker containers written in Go




Simple Mesos Container framework written in Go.

At the moment this is just a PoC serving for learning purpose. I'm not sure if I turn into more than just that. There is a lot of design flaws - lots of existing code would need to be refactored to make this useful.

Theory of operation

taurus provides REST API that allows you to submit taurus Jobs and run them as Mesos tasks in Docker containers.

You can run taurus using docker-compose.

Out of the box:

  • taurus uses NATS distributed queue to queue pending tasks. You can implement your own queue that satisfies taurus queue interface and replace the basic queue implementation.

  • taurus stores Jobs in a local store implemented using gkvlite. You can implement your own Job store that satisfies taurus store Go interface and replace the basic store implementation.

  • taurus implements a simple scheduler worker which does all the heavy lifting i.e.: detecting state of submitted Jobs and taking appropriate action like queueing them to particular queues, killing the stopped Job tasks etc. You can implement your own worker which satisfies taurus worker interface and replace the basic worker implementation.


There are some example jobs in examplejobs directory.

Submit a job:

$ curl -i -X POST -d @job.json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2015 22:53:17 GMT
Content-Length: 0

Taurus logs:

2015/07/12 23:53:17 server.go:43: POST	/job/new
2015/07/12 23:53:17 api.go:103: Submitting Job taurusjob
2015/07/12 23:53:17 scheduler.go:315: No tasks to kill
2015/07/12 23:53:17 scheduler.go:381: Launched tasks: map[string]string{}
2015/07/12 23:53:17 scheduler.go:568: No Pending tasks available
2015/07/12 23:53:18 scheduler.go:159: Creating new Pending task taurusjob-web-prod-1436741598-c9cbf28d-28e8-11e5-a327-600308a80bb2 for job taurusjob
2015/07/12 23:53:18 scheduler.go:159: Creating new Pending task taurusjob-web-prod-1436741598-c9cc085d-28e8-11e5-a327-600308a80bb2 for job taurusjob
2015/07/12 23:53:18 scheduler.go:159: Creating new Pending task taurusjob-web-prod-1436741598-c9cc0d1c-28e8-11e5-a327-600308a80bb2 for job taurusjob
2015/07/12 23:53:18 scheduler.go:159: Creating new Pending task taurusjob-web-prod-1436741598-c9cc10ea-28e8-11e5-a327-600308a80bb2 for job taurusjob
2015/07/12 23:53:18 scheduler.go:203: Queueing task taurusjob-web-prod-1436741598-c9cbf28d-28e8-11e5-a327-600308a80bb2 to Pending queue
2015/07/12 23:53:18 scheduler.go:203: Queueing task taurusjob-web-prod-1436741598-c9cc085d-28e8-11e5-a327-600308a80bb2 to Pending queue
2015/07/12 23:53:18 scheduler.go:203: Queueing task taurusjob-web-prod-1436741598-c9cc0d1c-28e8-11e5-a327-600308a80bb2 to Pending queue
2015/07/12 23:53:18 scheduler.go:203: Queueing task taurusjob-web-prod-1436741598-c9cc10ea-28e8-11e5-a327-600308a80bb2 to Pending queue
2015/07/12 23:53:26 scheduler.go:667: Task taurusjob-web-prod-1436741598-c9cc0d1c-28e8-11e5-a327-600308a80bb2 is in state TASK_RUNNING
2015/07/12 23:53:26 scheduler.go:667: Task taurusjob-web-prod-1436741598-c9cc085d-28e8-11e5-a327-600308a80bb2 is in state TASK_RUNNING
2015/07/12 23:53:26 scheduler.go:667: Task taurusjob-web-prod-1436741598-c9cbf28d-28e8-11e5-a327-600308a80bb2 is in state TASK_RUNNING
2015/07/12 23:53:26 scheduler.go:667: Task taurusjob-web-prod-1436741598-c9cc10ea-28e8-11e5-a327-600308a80bb2 is in state TASK_RUNNING

Check if the containers are running:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
07bf0188afc6        nginx:latest        "nginx -g 'daemon of   8 seconds ago       Up 6 seconds        443/tcp, 80/tcp     mesos-466f9aa8-32e1-4148-9e42-c0716f8c594a
4e246cfab0f7        nginx:latest        "nginx -g 'daemon of   8 seconds ago       Up 6 seconds        443/tcp, 80/tcp     mesos-78df44ea-2ca6-448c-9dbf-9cf88081b8fc
af6fefad032c        nginx:latest        "nginx -g 'daemon of   8 seconds ago       Up 6 seconds        443/tcp, 80/tcp     mesos-a689eec3-6d63-44fb-818a-64c427b2b88a
98b0902a8aae        nginx:latest        "nginx -g 'daemon of   9 seconds ago       Up 8 seconds        443/tcp, 80/tcp     mesos-f8534b44-4c88-43b9-aced-21bee4c91f8a

Stop the job:

$ curl -i -X DELETE
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2015 22:54:39 GMT
Content-Length: 0

Taurus logs:

2015/07/12 23:54:39 server.go:43: DELETE	/job/taurusjob
2015/07/12 23:54:39 api.go:131: Stopping Job taurusjob
2015/07/12 23:54:39 api.go:148: Killing Job taurusjob
2015/07/12 23:54:39 scheduler.go:258: Queueing task taurusjob-web-prod-1436741598-c9cc10ea-28e8-11e5-a327-600308a80bb2 to Doomed queue
2015/07/12 23:54:39 scheduler.go:258: Queueing task taurusjob-web-prod-1436741598-c9cc0d1c-28e8-11e5-a327-600308a80bb2 to Doomed queue
2015/07/12 23:54:39 scheduler.go:258: Queueing task taurusjob-web-prod-1436741598-c9cc085d-28e8-11e5-a327-600308a80bb2 to Doomed queue
2015/07/12 23:54:39 scheduler.go:258: Queueing task taurusjob-web-prod-1436741598-c9cbf28d-28e8-11e5-a327-600308a80bb2 to Doomed queue
2015/07/12 23:54:42 scheduler.go:667: Task taurusjob-web-prod-1436741598-c9cc0d1c-28e8-11e5-a327-600308a80bb2 is in state TASK_KILLED
2015/07/12 23:54:42 scheduler.go:667: Task taurusjob-web-prod-1436741598-c9cbf28d-28e8-11e5-a327-600308a80bb2 is in state TASK_KILLED
2015/07/12 23:54:42 scheduler.go:667: Task taurusjob-web-prod-1436741598-c9cc10ea-28e8-11e5-a327-600308a80bb2 is in state TASK_KILLED
2015/07/12 23:54:42 scheduler.go:667: Task taurusjob-web-prod-1436741598-c9cc085d-28e8-11e5-a327-600308a80bb2 is in state TASK_KILLED

Check if the containers are running:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES


E_TOO_MUCH, but in a gist:

  • redesign a lot of things (I might spin another project from this)
  • implement etcd/consul/zk storage driver support
  • implement more scalable solution using something like graft by Apcera