
Using Terraform to deploy microservices that communicate with each other

MIT License



This project is a simple example of using Terraform to deploy two microservices to AWS (GCP coming soon!) that can communicate with each other via service discovery. The two microservices are a frontend webserver (using Next.js) and a backend API server (using Flask). You can use any framework/libraries you want for these microservices, what's provided here is just a starting point!



  • Ensure you have installed: Terraform, Docker, and Docker Compose.
  • Clone this repo.
  • Sign up for AWS if you haven't already.
  • Create a repository called fe in ECR repository console: https://[YOUR-REGION].console.aws.amazon.com/ecr/create-repository
  • Create a repository called api in ECR repository console: https://[YOUR-REGION].console.aws.amazon.com/ecr/create-repository
  • Copy repository hostname: [YOUR_DOCKER_REPO_ID].dkr.ecr.[YOUR-REGION].amazonaws.com
  • Set the copied repository hostname to TF_VAR_docker_repo in your terminal.
  • In your terminal, run: export TF_VAR_docker_repo=[YOUR_DOCKER_REPO_ID]
  • In your terminal, run: aws ecr get-login-password --region [YOUR-REGION] | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin [YOUR_DOCKER_REPO_ID].dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com




Terraform will show you a load balancer URL when it has finished deploying. Wait about 60 seconds before visiting this as it can take time for all of the resources to come online. When it does, you should see "Data from API server route /api/foo: bar" in your browser.



Local Development


Visit http://localhost:3000 to see the frontend server running!

Architecture Diagram

Coming soon!


Basic Terraform setup: https://github.com/bradford-hamilton/terraform-ecs-fargate