
Container auto-configurations for Spring Boot based integration tests

MIT License


= Testcontainers Spring Boot

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If you develop services using Spring Boot and maybe Spring Cloud and you do https://testing.googleblog.com/2010/12/test-sizes.html[medium sized] tests during build process, then this set of Spring Boot auto-configurations might be handy. By adding module into classpath, you will get stateful service, like Couchbase or Kafka, auto-started and available for connection from your application service w/o wiring any additional code. https://www.docker.com/[Docker] and https://www.testcontainers.org/[TestContainers] are used to bootstrap stateful service using Spring Cloud https://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-static/spring-cloud.html#_the_bootstrap_application_context[bootstrap phase]. Usage of Spring Cloud in your production code is optional, but you will need it in tests. See <<how-to-use, How to use>> below.

== Versions compatibility

|=== | Spring Boot | Test Containers Spring Boot

|2.5.X, 2.6.X, 2.7.X |2.X.X

|3.0.X, 3.1.X |3.0.X

|3.2.X |3.1.X |===

[[how-to-use]] == How to use

. https://docs.docker.com/install/[Install Docker] on your machine
. Make sure you have http://projects.spring.io/spring-cloud/#quick-start[Spring Boot and Spring Cloud] in classpath of your tests.
In case if you need to https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.springframework.cloud/spring-cloud-starter-bootstrap[pick version].

. If you do not use Spring Cloud - make it work for tests only:

. Add data service library:

. Use produced properties in your configuration.




== In-depth guides, how-tos and samples

== Common configuration options
=== Shutdown of embedded containers on spring application shutdown immediately

embedded.containers.forceShutdown=true #default is false

NOTE: Otherwise, it will be shutdown with delay, see https://github.com/testcontainers/moby-ryuk

=== Disable all embedded containers


embedded.containers.enabled=true #default is true

NOTE: If you setup, for example embedded.kafka.enabled + embedded.containers.enabled, result will be same as using AND between two booleans.

NOTE: embedded.kafka.enabled=false will cause DockerNotPresentException if you don't have docker installed. But embedded.containers.enabled=false won't cause any exceptions in this case.

|=== |Setting1 |Setting2 |Outcome

|embedded.containers.enabled=false |embedded.memsql.enabled=true |Memsql will not start

|embedded.containers.enabled=true |embedded.memsql.enabled=false |Memsql will not start

|embedded.containers.enabled=true |embedded.memsql.enabled=true |Memsql will start

|embedded.containers.enabled is missing |embedded.memsql.enabled is missing |Memsql will start |===

=== Other specific container related properties [cols="a,a,a"] |=== |Setting name | Default value |Description

|embedded.{module-name}.dockerImage |Depends on module |Full Docker image name for container setup. Most of the modules have default value already setup.

|embedded.{module-name}.dockerImageVersion |N/A |Use this property if you want to override only Docker image's version.

|embedded.{module-name}.waitTimeoutInSeconds |60 |Waiting time for a container to start in seconds

|embedded.{module-name}.enabled |true |Enables a container to be started on startup

|embedded.{module-name}.reuseContainer |false |Enables a reuse container Testcontainers feature. For more info please refer to: https://github.com/testcontainers/testcontainers-java/pull/2555 and https://github.com/testcontainers/testcontainers-java/pull/1781.

|embedded.{module-name}.command |null |List of keywords which combines into command for container startup. Some modules ship container's commands by default, so resetting this value may lead to incorrect work of container.

|embedded.{module-name}.attachContainerLog |false |Attach embedded container output log.

|embedded.{module-name}.env |null |key-value map of additional environment variables. Where key is name of variable and value is actual value of it.

|embedded.{module-name}.label |null |key-value map of additional labels to the container. Where key is name of label and value is actual value of label.

|embedded.{module-name}.filesToInclude | empty list |List of files to include objects. Each object should have two parameters:

  • classpathResource (path to local file)
  • containerPath (path in a container to where file needs to be copied)


classpathResource: "/my_local_file.txt"
containerPath: "/etc/path_in_container.txt"

|embedded.{module-name}.mountVolumes | empty list |List of mount volumes to persist between container restarts. Each object should have three parameters:

  • hostPath (path to local file/directory)
  • containerPath (path in container to mount file/directory onto)
  • mode (access mode default READ_ONLY, or READ_WRITE)


hostPath: "pgdata"
containerPath: "/var/lib/postgresql/data"

|embedded.{module-name}.capabilities | empty list. NET_ADMIN is set for Aerospike, Couchbase, Elasticsearch, Kafka, Mariadb, Memsql, Minio, Mongodb, Mysql, Neo4j, Redis containers. |The Linux capabilities that should be enabled. You can disable all capabilities by providing empty value for this property. See: https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/capabilities.7.html. Available values can be taken from com.github.dockerjava.api.model.Capability class.

|embedded.{module-name}.tmpFs.mounts | empty list | A list of container directories which should be replaced by tmpfs mounts, and their corresponding mount options. Check https://docs.docker.com/storage/tmpfs/[TmpFs mount docs].

For example, for MariaDb:

- folder: /var/lib/mysql
options: rw


== Supported services

=== link:embedded-mariadb/README.adoc[embedded-mariadb]

=== link:embedded-couchbase/README.adoc[embedded-couchbase]

=== link:embedded-kafka/README.adoc[embedded-kafka]

=== link:embedded-rabbitmq/README.adoc[embedded-rabbitmq]

=== link:embedded-aerospike/README.adoc[embedded-aerospike]

=== link:embedded-memsql/README.adoc[embedded-memsql]

=== link:embedded-redis/README.adoc[embedded-redis]

=== link:embedded-neo4j/README.adoc[embedded-neo4j]

=== link:embedded-postgresql/README.adoc[embedded-postgresql]

=== link:embedded-elasticsearch/README.adoc[embedded-elasticsearch]

=== link:embedded-opensearch/README.adoc[embedded-opensearch]

=== link:embedded-dynamodb/README.adoc[embedded-dynamodb]

=== link:embedded-voltdb/README.adoc[embedded-voltdb]

=== link:embedded-minio/README.adoc[embedded-minio]

=== link:embedded-mongodb/README.adoc[embedded-mongodb]

=== link:embedded-google-pubsub/README.adoc[embedded-google-pubsub]

=== link:embedded-google-storage/README.adoc[embedded-google-storage]

=== link:embedded-keycloak/README.adoc[embedded-keycloak]

=== link:embedded-keydb/README.adoc[embedded-keydb]

=== link:embedded-influxdb/README.adoc[embedded-influxdb]

=== link:embedded-vault/README.adoc[embedded-vault]

=== link:embedded-oracle-xe/README.adoc[embedded-oracle-xe]

=== link:embedded-mysql/README.adoc[embedded-mysql]

=== link:embedded-localstack/README.adoc[embedded-localstack]

=== link:embedded-cassandra/README.adoc[embedded-cassandra]

=== link:embedded-clickhouse/README.adoc[embedded-clickhouse]

=== link:embedded-pulsar/README.adoc[embedded-pulsar]

=== link:embedded-vertica/README.adoc[embedded-vertica]

=== link:embedded-prometheus/README.adoc[embedded-prometheus]

=== link:embedded-grafana/README.adoc[embedded-grafana]

=== link:embedded-consul/README.adoc[embedded-consul]

=== link:embedded-artifactory/README.adoc[embedded-artifactory]

=== link:embedded-azurite/README.adoc[embedded-azurite]

=== link:embedded-toxiproxy/README.adoc[embedded-toxiproxy]

=== link:embedded-nats/README.adoc[embedded-nats]

=== link:embedded-k3s/README.adoc[embedded-k3s]

=== link:embedded-mockserver/README.adoc[embedded-mockserver]

=== link:embedded-solr/README.adoc[embedded-solr]

=== link:embedded-cockroachdb/README.adoc[embedded-cockroachdb]

=== link:embedded-git/README.adoc[embedded-git]

=== link:embedded-wiremock/README.adoc[embedded-wiremock]

=== link:embedded-mailhog/README.adoc[embedded-mailhog]

=== link:embedded-spicedb/README.adoc[embedded-spicedb]

== How to contribute

=== Flow

  • You need to fork project and create branch from develop
  • You do not need to update project version in pom.xml files, this will be done by release job
  • Once finished - create pull request to develop from your fork, pass review and wait for merge
  • On release, ci job will update to next release version + publish artifacts to the Maven Central

=== Checklist for contributing new module

  • Naming/formatting patterns match existing code
  • Test for success scenario
  • Test for negative scenario (autoconfiguration is disabled via properties). https://spring.io/blog/2018/03/07/testing-auto-configurations-with-spring-boot-2-0[How to test autoconfiguration]
  • Add new module to testcontainers-spring-boot-bom
  • Module provides documentation in README.adoc and this documentation is included in parent README.adoc (see an example in already existing modules). Documentation should include:
    ** maven module declaration
    ** consumed properties
    ** produced properties
    ** notes (if applicable)
    ** example of usage

== Release //* Release build is done using https://github.com/aleksandr-m/gitflow-maven-plugin[gitflow-maven-plugin]