
My personal full stack project template.

MIT License


Project Template

This is my personal project template, used for building full stack applications.

About this template

Included apps and packages

  • @repo/frontend: A React Next.js app.
  • @repo/backend: A Node.js server, powered by Hono.
  • @repo/shared: A package for shared code between apps.
  • @repo/eslint-config: ESLint presets used by other apps.
  • @repo/tsconfig: Base tsconfig.json files used by other apps.
  • A package builder service, responsible for automatically rebuilding shared packages on changes (in development only).

All apps and packages are built using TypeScript.


This project uses Docker and Docker Compose to build and run all apps. Additional services & environment variables can be added in compose.yaml for production, and for development.


Installing the relevant VSCode extensions is recommended.

Run the project


In development, you'll also need:

Running the services

Run the project using Docker Compose:

docker compose up -d

The frontend app will be available at localhost:3000, and the backend will be accessible from localhost:3000/api.

Local development

Install dependencies using PNPM:

pnpm install

Use Docker Compose to run the project, making sure you use the development compose file:

docker compose -f up -d

Then just open your web browser to access the frontend at localhost:3000 and the backend at localhost:3000/api, just like in production.

Any changes you make to the frontend during development will automatically be reflected in the browser, while any changes made to the backend code will cause the development server to restart. Both services will react to changes made to shared packages.


Updating environment variables

Environment variables for the entire project are stored in the .env file. After editing this file:

  • If any new variables were added, add them to the relevant services in compose.yaml (or in development):

        - ENV_VAR=${ENV_VAR}
        - ENV_VAR=${ENV_VAR}
  • Recreate the relevant services (use the correct compose file):

    docker compose up -d --force-recreate <services>

Installing & updating dependencies

To install dependencies in an app or package, run:

pnpm -F @repo/<app> i <dependencies>

To install dependencies at the workspace root (usually dev dependencies), replace -F @repo/<app> with -w.

After dependency updates, rebuild the relevant services. If you installed dependencies in a package, rebuild all apps that use it & the package builder.

docker compose up -d --build <services>