
A Server for Transmitting File by curl or wget: Transfer data over HTTP/HTTPS

MIT License



Transmit files by using only common Unix/Linux commands, curl or wget

branch TravisCI CircleCI Coverage
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Send a file by wget

Download the file by wget

Public Server on Heroku

Quick Start

You can send, download and delete a file by the following commands.

# Send a file
wget -q -O - --post-file=./test.txt
# Downlaod the file
# ('a7h' is a File ID created after sending)
# Delete a file
wget -q -O - --method DELETE

Option explanations

  • -q: No prgress bar
  • -O -: Response to stdout

Main features

  • Send/Get by only common commands, curl or wget
  • Send/Get on your browser
  • Send/Get with restrictions
    • download key
    • store duration
    • how many times you can download
  • Delete files you sent
    • without delete key
    • with delete key
  • Change File ID length (for security)
  • Encrypt and Compress file for security

How to run the server

You can choose any ways you want bellow.

Way 1 - Run on Docker

docker run -p 8080:8181 nwtgck/trans-server-akka

Then you can go http://localhost:8080/

Docker run for daemonize and data persistence

You can also run the following command for daemonize and data persistence.

docker run -d -p 8080:8181 -v $PWD/trans-db:/trans/db --restart=always nwtgck/trans-server-akka

Data will be stored in $PWD/trans-db on your host machine. (Currently file-base H2 database is used, and files sent are stored as compressed and encrypted files)

Way 2 - sbt "run-main ..."

The following example runs a server on 80 port.

$ cd <this-project>
$ ./
$ sbt "run-main io.github.nwtgck.trans_server.Main --http-port=8282"

Way 3 - Making a jar

1. Make a keystore

$ cd <this-project>
$ ./

2. Make a jar

$ cd <this-project>
$ sbt assembly

(It takes a time)

3. Run the jar

$ java -jar target/scala-2.11/trans-server-akka.jar --http-port=8282 --https-port=4433

How to send a file to the server

Way 1 - curl

The following example is sending ../test.txt

$ curl --data-binary @../test.txt



The server response, ab2 is a File ID to get ../test.txt

Way 2 - wget

The following example sends ../test.txt

$ wget -q -O - --post-file=../test.txt
  • -q is for non-progress bar
  • -O - is to output STDOUT



The server response, 9vi is a File ID to get ../test.txt

Way 3 - wc & cat & nc

This way is for a user which can't use curl command.

The following example sends

1. Get a file byte

$ wc -c  <
1161257298 # Use it later

2. Create header.txt

Host: localhost:4343
Content-Length: 1161257298

Don't forget the end of '\n'

3. Send a file by HTTP request

$ cat header.txt | nc localhost 4343

The response is bellow.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: akka-http/10.0.5
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2017 04:22:32 GMT
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 4


6oz is FILE ID.

How to get a file from the server

Way 1 - wget

$ wget

ab2 is a File ID.

Way 2 - curl

$ curl > test.txt

ab2 is a File ID.

Way 3 - Using a Browser

Open on your browser

ab2 is a File ID.


Here is options you can use when sending

GET parameter default value decription
duration 1 hour Store duration/life
get-times infinite How many times you can download
id-length 3 Length of File ID
deletable true Whether a file can be deleted
delete-key nothing Key for deletion
secure-char false Whether more complex characters are used for File ID

An example with options

wget -q -O - '' --post-file=./hello.txt

The command means

  • duration is 30 seconds
  • download once
  • File ID length is 16
  • The file is deletable and key is 'mykey1234'
  • Use more complex characters for File ID

Available duration examples

  • 10s - 10 seconds
  • 2m - 2 minutes
  • 12h - 12 hours
  • 25d - 25 days

Usage of deletable

All bellow are valid usages.

# (same meaning as `deletable=true`)

Set download key

curl -u dummy_user:mypass123 -T ./hello.txt

When you don't want to type key in command, you can use -u dummy_user instead of -u dummy_user:mypass123. Then, curl provide you a password prompt.

NOTE: dummy_user can be change any name including empty ''.

Get with download key

curl -u dummy_user:mypass123

NOTE: The server doesn't check user name. So, you can use any name for user name, not only "dummy_user".

Delete file

delete without delete key

# wget version
wget -q -O - --method=DELETE ''
# curl version
curl -X DELETE ''

(vua is a File ID)

delete with delete key

# wget version
wget -q -O - --method=DELETE ''
# curl version
curl -X DELETE ''

My Note