
command-line version operations. single static binary. osx, linux, windows.

MIT License



versions is a tool for working with (SemVer) versions on the command-line.

Supported operations:

  • Compare versions
  • Sort versions
  • Select versions given a constraint
  • Fetch versions from Git tags
  • Fetch versions from Docker image tags
  • Dependency version selection using MVS


Get it

Using go get:

go get -u

Or download the binary from the releases page.

# Linux
curl -L | tar xz

# OS X
curl -L | tar xz

# Windows
curl -LO

Also available as a docker image:

docker run

Use it

Usage: versions COMMAND [arg...]

do things with versions

      --indent   Set the indentation of JSON output (default 0)
  -q, --quiet    Disable all log output (stderr)
  -s, --silent   Disable all log output (stderr) and all normal output (stdout)

  sort         Sort versions
  compare      Compare versions
  fetch        Fetch versions
  select       Select versions given constraints
  complete     Shell completion (zsh, fish, bash)
  help         Display help for a command

Run 'versions COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.

Compare versions

Usage: versions compare [OPTIONS] COMMAND [arg...]

Compare versions

      --fail   Exit with non-zero code if the result is 'false'

  later        Check if a version is strictly later than another version
  earlier      Check if a version is strictly earlier than another version

Run 'versions compare COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.

Output a single boolean indicating whether one version is later than another

$ versions compare later 1.0.0 0.1.0
$ versions compare later 1.0.0 2.1.0

Sort versions

Usage: versions sort [OPTIONS] [VERSIONS...]

Sort versions

  VERSIONS       Versions to sort

  -l, --latest   Print only the latest `N` versions (default 0)

Print versions in oldest-to-newest order

$ versions sort 2.0.0 0.1.0 10.0.0

Print the latest N versions in oldest-to-newest order

$ versions --latest=2 sort 2.0.0 0.1.0 10.0.0

Select versions

Usage: versions select [OPTIONS] COMMAND [arg...]

Select versions given constraints

      --from-git      Fetch candidate versions from Git tags
      --from-docker   Fetch candidate versions from Docker tags

  single              Select a single version
  all                 Select all matching versions
  mvs                 Select versions to satisfy a constraint graph using MVS (

Run 'versions select COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.

Select the single latest version satisfying the given constraint

$ versions select single '2.*.*' 2.0.0 2.0.1 0.1.0 10.0.0
$ versions select single '*' 2.0.0 2.0.1 0.1.0 10.0.0
$ versions select single '^0.0.1' 2.0.0 2.0.1 0.1.0 10.0.0

Select all versions satisfying the given constraint

$ versions select all '2.*.*' 2.0.0 2.0.1 0.1.0 10.0.0
["2.0.0", "2.0.1"]

Select the single latest version from Git tags satisfying the given constraint

$ versions select --from-git= single '~1.0.0'
$ versions select --from-git= single '^1.0.0'

Select the single latest version from Docker tags satisfying the given constraint

$ versions select --from-docker=alpine single '<3.7'
$ versions select --from-docker=alpine single '^3.0.0'

Solve constraint graphs

Usage: versions select mvs CONSTRAINTS...

Select versions to satisfy a constraint graph using MVS (

  CONSTRAINTS   constraint graph (JSON structure: {"my-package":{"1.0": {"other-package":"~0.0.1"}}})

Select a set of versions using MVS

Minimal version selection always selects the minimal (oldest) module version that satisfies the overall requirements of a build.

Consider the three packages A, B, and C, where

  • A is "our" package
  • B has versions 1.0.0 and 2.0.0
  • C also has versions 1.0.0 and 2.0.0

A depends on both B and C, and each version of B depends on the same version of C.

If A does not explicitly demand B version 2.0.0, MVS will select 1.0.0 for both dependencies.

$ versions select mvs '{
    "A": {"*": {"B":">=1.0.0", "C":"~1.0.0"}},
    "B": {
        "1.0.0": {"C":"1.*.*"},
        "2.0.0": {"C":"2.*.*"}
    "C": {

On the other hand, if A does explicitly demand B >= 2.0.0, MVS will upgrade B to 2.0.0, but also have to upgrade C to 2.0.0 due to B's constraint. MVS does not support "maximum versions", thus the constraint C~1.0.0 of A must be relaxed to obtain a solution:

$ versions select mvs '{
    "A": {"*": {"B":">=2.0.0", "C":"~1.0.0"}},
    "B": {
        "1.0.0": {"C":"1.*.*"},
        "2.0.0": {"C":"2.*.*"}
    "C": {

The constraints can also be provided via multiple JSON arguments:

versions select mvs \
  '{"A": {"*": {"B":">=2.0.0", "C":"~1.0.0"}}}' \
  '{"B": {"1.0.0": {"C":"1.*.*"}, "2.0.0": {"C":"2.*.*"}}}' \
  '{"C": {"1.0.0":{}, "2.0.0":{}}}'

Fetch versions

Usage: versions fetch [OPTIONS] COMMAND [arg...]

Fetch versions

  -l, --latest   Print only the latest `N` versions (default 0)

  git            Fetch versions from Git tags
  docker         Fetch versions from Docker image tags

Run 'versions fetch COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.

Fetch and interpret all SemVer git tags as versions

$ versions --indent=2 fetch git
    "Version": "1.0.0",
    "Source": {
      "Git": {
        "Repository": {
          "URL": ""
        "Reference": "refs/tags/1.0.0"
    "Version": "1.0.1",
    "Source": {
      "Git": {
        "Repository": {
          "URL": ""
        "Reference": "refs/tags/1.0.1"
  // ...

Fetch and determine the latest version from Git tags

$ versions fetch -l 1 git

Fetch and interpret all Docker image tags as versions

$ versions --indent=2 fetch docker alpine
    "Version": "2.6.0",
    "Source": {
      "Docker": {
        "Image": "library/alpine:2.6",
        "Tag": "2.6"
    "Version": "2.7.0",
    "Source": {
      "Docker": {
        "Image": "library/alpine:2.7",
        "Tag": "2.7"
  // ...

Fetch and determine the latest version from Docker image tags

$ versions fetch -l 1 docker alpine

JSON output

The default output format is JSON, one value per line:

$ versions sort 0.10 0.2 1.0 1.1 1.1.1-rc1 1.1.1

To output multi-line indented JSON, specify a value for the --indent option:

$ versions --indent=2 sort 0.10 0.2 1.0 1.1 1.1.1-rc1 1.1.1

Sort order

All commands that produce sorted lists of versions produce them in the oldest-first, latest-last order:

$ versions sort 0.0.1 1.0.0

Shell completion

The tool can install shell (zsh, fish, bash) completion for itself:

Usage: versions complete COMMAND [arg...]

Shell completion (zsh, fish, bash)

  install      Install all completions
  uninstall    Uninstall all completions

Run 'versions complete COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
$ versions complete install
$ tail -n1 ~/.zshrc
complete -o nospace -C /go/bin/versions versions
$ versions <TAB>
compare  fetch    help     select   sort
$ versions select -<TAB>
--from-docker  --from-git     --help         -h



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