
🧇 📤 Email auto reply bot for JMAP mailboxes

GPL-3.0 License


wafflesbot: Email auto reply bot for JMAP mailboxes

wafflesbot sends form replies to unreplied emails in a JMAP mailbox (such as Fastmail).

wafflesbot excels at automatically asking tech recruiters for compensation information.

Built on:

Installation and usage with Docker

A Docker container is provided which runs wafflesbot to reply to emails via JMAP server events. JMAP API authentication and reply details should be configured using environment variables.

Example docker-compose.yaml:

version: "3.7"

    file: path/to/file/with/your/jmap_api_token

    image: ghcr.io/smkent/waffles:latest
      JMAP_HOST: jmap.example.com
      JMAP_API_TOKEN: /run/secrets/jmap_api_token
      WAFFLES_MAILBOX: folder-or-label-name
      WAFFLES_REPLY_FILE: /autoreply.html
      # WAFFLES_DRY_RUN: "true" # Uncomment to log actions but not send email
      # WAFFLES_DEBUG: "true"   # Uncomment to increase log verbosity
      # Set TZ to your time zone. Often same as the contents of /etc/timezone.
      TZ: PST8PDT
    restart: unless-stopped
      - path/to/your/reply/content.html:/autoreply.html:ro
      - jmap_api_token

Start the container by running:

docker-compose up -d

Debugging information can be viewed in the container log:

docker-compose logs -f

Installation from PyPI

wafflesbot is available on PyPI:

pip install wafflesbot


wafflesbot provides the waffles command, which can either:

  1. Run as a service and reply to emails received via JMAP server
    (the default)
  2. Run as a script to examine recent emails (such as interactively or via a

Environment variables:

  • JMAP_HOST: JMAP server hostname
  • JMAP_API_TOKEN: JMAP account API token

Required arguments:

  • -m/--mailbox: Name of the folder to process
  • -r/--reply-content: Path to file with an HTML reply message

Optional arguments:

  • -d/--debug: Enable debug logging
  • -l/--limit: Maximum number of emails replies to send (only valid with
  • -n/--days: Only process email received this many days ago or newer (only
    valid with -s/--script)
  • -p/--pretend: Print messages to standard output instead of sending email
  • -s/--script: Set to run as a script instead of an event-driven service

Invocation examples

Listen for new emails, and reply to unreplied messages that appear in the "Recruiters" folder with the message in my-reply.html:

JMAP_HOST=jmap.example.com \
JMAP_API_TOKEN=ness__pk_fire \
waffles \
    --mailbox "Recruiters" \
    --reply-content my-reply.html

Run as a script and reply to unreplied messages in the "Recruiters" folder with the message in my-reply.html:

JMAP_HOST=jmap.example.com \
JMAP_API_TOKEN=ness__pk_fire \
waffles \
    --script \
    --mailbox "Recruiters" \
    --reply-content my-reply.html


Poetry installation

Via pipx:

pip install pipx
pipx install poetry
pipx inject poetry poetry-dynamic-versioning poetry-pre-commit-plugin

Via pip:

pip install poetry
poetry self add poetry-dynamic-versioning poetry-pre-commit-plugin

Development tasks

  • Setup: poetry install
  • Run static checks: poetry run poe lint or
    poetry run pre-commit run --all-files
  • Run static checks and tests: poetry run poe test

Created from smkent/cookie-python using cookiecutter