
Web api application prototype written in rust and actix-web.

MIT License



Web api application prototype written in rust


  • Clean architecture design with CQRS pattern
  • Crud api endpoints with actix-web and mongodb driver
  • Kafka Consumer implemented with rdkafka
  • Integration tests
  • Workspaces usage
  • OpenApi and Swagger-UI
  • Multi-stage docker build
  • Code coverage report
  • Static analysis report


  • acl - anti corruption layer implemented as kafka consumer
  • api - application layer with endpoints
  • domain - business logic contracts (queries/commands interfaces)
  • domain_impl - implementation of buisiness logic contracts
  • infra - infrastructure layer (dal)
  • host - host process for application with composition root
  • integration-tests - integration tests for application

Up & Running

From root folder:

  • make setup - setup environment (brew, docker, helm, rust)
  • make deploy - deploy to kubernetes with helm (you should enable k8s support manually)
  • make delete - delete helm chart

From src folder:

  • make docker-up-env - up environment only
  • make docker-up-apps - up all include applications
  • make docker-down-env - down environment only
  • make docker-down-apps - down all include applications
  • make docker-build-apps - build apps images
  • make build - build local binaries
  • make lint - run clippy for static analysis
  • make format - run fmt for code formatting
  • make tests - run tests
  • make run - run local build

Web interfaces:

K8s: swagger - https://dev-wep-api.com/swagger-ui/

Docker-compose: swagger - http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/ kafka-ui - http://localhost:8085/