
Ansible provisioning of macOS and Linux with security in mind

GPL-3.0 License


Andrew's .files

Ansible provisioning of macOS and Linux with security in mind


  1. Installs .adrw-aliases, .adrw-functions, bash & zsh powerline themes
$ curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/adrw/.files/master/get-bootstrap.sh | bash -s && ./bootstrap.sh
  1. fin.


  1. Reboot with option into Recovery parition on a USB
  2. Erase Macintosh HD and install latest macOS from bootable USB
  3. Reboot and setup primary user account
  4. Login and enable Filevault full disk encryption
  5. Provision with command below in Terminal for interactive mode
$ curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/adrw/.files/master/get-bootstrap.sh | bash -s && ./bootstrap.sh

OR provision with command below including any custom arguments in Terminal

$ curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/adrw/.files/master/get-bootstrap.sh | bash -s && ./bootstrap.sh <opts>
  1. Reboot (sometimes required) and fin.


Run bootstrap.sh -h for latest manual of options and arguments which include:

-b    Change homebrew prefix / install path
-d    Change where .files is installed
-g    Detached Git Mode: Stashes all changes in .files directory and resets to origin/master
-i    Ansible Inventory
-l    Logging Level
-m    Run macOS Full Customization Script
-n    Run macOS No Animate Customization Script
-o    Run macOS Homecall Script
-p    Ansible Playbook
-r    Run tasks that require Sudo permissions
-s    Run secure network and hostname change script
-u    Change username that the script is run under
-v    Run tasks that include Ansible Vault

Included Playbooks

Change which is run with -p {play} flag in the bootstrap.sh script

  • mac_core full mac setup
  • mac_dev includes mac_terminal and installs dev related apps
  • mac_dock do dock customizations
  • mac_etchosts only install /etc/hosts domain blocking
  • mac_jekyll minimum requirements to get-started-with-jekyll
  • mac_second_account smaller playbook since it assumes most apps have been installed from a primary macOS account
  • mac_secure different security tasks to spoof MAC address, add custom blocked hosts, and start Privoxy
  • mac_terminal setup custom terminal with themes, aliases, and functions
  • mac_vault run ansible tasks that require Ansible Vault decryption

FAQ / Non-Automated Setup Tasks

  • Enable System Integrity Protection
    • Check status with csrutil status
    • Reboot into Recovery OS: reboot holding Cmd+R
    • In Utilities/Terminal, enable with csrutil enable
  • Generate SSH keys? Delete ansible/roles/ssh-keys/defaults/main.yml and use ansible-vault create to make new defaults/main.yml with following declared string:
    • ssh_passphrase generate id_rsa with a given passphrase then required on every id_rsa use
    • (Optional) id_rsa: "{ full path }" full path to where you want the id_rsa file generated (usually ~/.ssh/id_rsa). Optional since it is in mac_core.yml by default for use in other roles.
    • Want to change the file later? ansible-vault edit ansible/roles/ssh-keys/defaults/main.yml
  • Add SSH key to GitHub? pbcopy < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub -> GitHub.com/settings/keys
  • Privoxy not working? Check that proxy was added to HTTP and HTTPS sections in Airport and Ethernet
  • Want to remove admin privileges from a user?
    • Use function chmod_admin {username} found in .adrw-functions which safely implements the steps below.
    • Reversible in System Preferences / Users by logging in with admin account and adding privileges back to another user.
    1. Find GeneratedUID of account with $ dscl . -read /Users/<username> GeneratedUID
    2. Remove from admin with $ sudo dscl . -delete /Groups/admin GroupMembers <GeneratedUID>
  • Hide a user profile? Apple docs
    • Use function mv_user found in .adrw-functions which safely implements the steps below.
    • Calling function again on a hidden user, restores user to both login and Finder.
    1. Hide from login screen $ sudo dscl . create /Users/hiddenuser IsHidden 1
    2. Hide home directory and share point
    $ sudo mv /Users/hiddenuser /var/hiddenuser
    $ sudo dscl . -create /Users/hiddenuser NFSHomeDirectory /var/hiddenuser
    $ sudo dscl . -delete "/SharePoints/Hidden User's Public Folder"
  • Syncthing? Installed at
  • Auto-launch Syncthing? Syncthing docs
    1. Find Syncthing in brew folder (usually '~/.homebrew/Cellar/syncthing')
    2. Copy the syncthing.plist file to ~/Library/LaunchAgents.
    3. Log out and in again, or run launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/syncthing.plist.
  • Running into Too many files errors in applications?
    • Copy the file ansible/roles/macos/files/limit.maxfiles.plist to /Library/LaunchDaemons/
    • Then run sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/limit.maxfiles.plist
    • Test with launchctl limit maxfiles


  • Ansible docs very thorough spec for all standard Ansible modules and functionality
  • macOS-Security-and-Privacy-Guide - @drduh consolidates best practices from enterprise IT and government to secure macOS from many standard threat models
  • SpoofMAC - @feross Python and nodeJS script for new randomized MAC address each boot to reduce tracking of your computer across networks. Find in ansible/roles/spoof-mac.
  • mac-dev-playbook - @geerlingguy one of the best macOS Ansible playbooks I found, he also wrote many Ansible Roles which you can use in your own playbook too
  • square/maximum-awesome well tested, proven, and coordinated iTerm2, Vim, and Tmux configuration
  • .tmux - @gpakosz awesome tmux configuration file for terminal multiplexing (multiple shell instances in the same terminal session)
  • antidote - @mattmc3 Faster version of Antigen and Antibody zsh plugin manager. Well worth switching too after feeling the lag too often of oh-my-zsh
  • Bash & ZSH Powerline Themes - @riobard Fast Powerline themes with Git support written in Bash and ZSH
  • iterm2-solarized - @kevin-smets really nice iTerm2 configuration with a Dark-Solarized theme, oh-my-zsh, zsh-autosuggestions and Powerlevel9k
  • dotfiles/.macos - @mathiasbynens >900 lines of common sense macOS defaults and configuration that you can easily clone and customize
  • dockutil - @kcrawford shell script for customizing macOS dock items
  • mac-dev-playbook - @ricbra another example (this includes dockutil)
  • hosts - @StevenBlack community built lists of undesirable domains that can be blocked using your /etc/hosts file. Find in ansible/roles/etchosts.
  • macOS-home-call-drop - @karek314 shell script that restricts macOS daemons and agents from "phoning home" to Cupertino
  • AutoDMG - @MagerValp simply macOS app that builds macOS install images for easy machine imaging
  • CreateUserPkg - @MagerValp macOS app that creates macOS pkg containing configuration for a macOS user account, can be included with an AutoDMG image