
I3 + Neovim = 🏠



Welcome to my linux dotfiles. It can be used on all distros but is best on Arch based distros.

Table of content

How to install?

Get the following software:

  • stow
  • nitrogen
  • ❤️ i3
    • i3-wm
    • i3blocks
    • i3status
    • i3lock (optional)
    • i3-gaps (optional)
  • alacritty (default terminal in i3)
  • dmenu
  • ❤️ neovim
  • rofi (optional)
  • polybar (optional)
  • brightnessctl
  • Dunst notification
  • mako notification for wayland/sway

Clone the repo

git clone

Use stow to create symlinks


cd dotfiles
stow nvim

Neovim config

Plugin manager: VimPlug

Linux VimPlug:

sh -c 'curl -fLo "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}"/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \'

Windows VimPlug :

md ~\AppData\Local\nvim\autoload
$uri = ''
(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile(

Config location AppData\Local\nvim\init.vim

If no folder or file, you need to create it.

To get this config, replace init.vim with win_init.vim and rename the file


I use coc for autocompletion, file explorer, eslint / prettier and whole bunch of things.

⚠️ You need node to install coc

Coc plugins are installed automatically. To install more use CocInstall or add package to g:coc_global_extensions in plugins-config.vim.


shortcut action
, , emmet autocomplete html tags
ctrl p fzf find file in dir
gj previous buffer
gk next buffer
gx delete buffer
gd jump to definition
space a linting info
space c coc commands
ff format
fl eslint auto fix
m create bookmark
ù jump to bookmark
space+e file explorer
space+do propose fixes like auto import



shortcut action
win+hjkl changer de focus entre les fenetres
win+1234 swap entre les bureaux virtuels
win+q fermer une fenetre
win+entre ouvrir un nouveau terminal
win+c prochaine fenetre ouverte en horizontale
win+v prochaine fenetre ouverte en verticale
win+r resize mode
win+shift+r reload settings
win+i rofi menu
win+d d menu
win+o rofi opened windows
win+s open sound and bluetooth manager
win+w open browser (brave)
win+n open file manager
win+space swap between fr and us keyboard layout
win+rightclick resize window
win+shift+c toggle floating window
win+shift+w tab layout
win+shift+e default split layout
win+shift+z logout


Very basic config for tmux!

  • Remapped ctrl-b to ctrl-q bacause azerty layout keyboard
  • Remapped vertical and horizontal split to | and -
  • Mouse mode activated
  • Removed auto rename
  • Default pane number is 1
  • Removed delay for vim escape


What's the vision for this config?

The goal is to have a lightweight, lean yet effective desktop to work and have fun 😊.

Why use this config?

It's home. And it's also lightweight enough for heavy workflow on 8go of ram (docker + node + chrome and hundreds of tabs).

Is such a simple desktop really usable?

Yes I used this config daily for 5 months while working on frontend dev at Okarito.

Why base it mainly on Arch?

I use Arch btw.

Where is polybar and rofi?

I used it for a while but in the end I don't like it that much. I rather have i3 default status bar and dmenu. I don't really care about heavy ricing I just want the best software for my use.

Other settings


When I'm not using i3, I'm using Gnome because Gnome is the best non tilingwm for me.

The following settings are settings I'm always enabling when I install Gnome:

Alt right click resize

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences resize-with-right-button true
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences mouse-button-modifier '<Alt>'

Fix alt-tab on gnome

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings switch-applications "[]"
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings switch-applications-backward "[]"
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings switch-windows "['<Alt>Tab', '<Super>Tab']"
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings switch-windows-backward "['<Alt><Shift>Tab', '<Super><Shift>Tab']"

Other settings and info

Deactivate suspend on close lib laptop

Edit :


uncomment lines :

  • HandleLidSwitch -> ignore
  • HandleLidSwitchExternalPower -> ignore

apply changes :

systemctl kill -s HUP systemd-logind


  1. sudo apt install imwheel
  2. Download
  3. chmod +x
  4. ./
  5. Add to startup

Setup Arch Nvidia driver hybrid

install optimus-manager-qt and bbswitch

Sur windows10

Alt-Resize window :

Cool website

Polybar theme :

Rofi theme :