
Cool dot files configs

MIT License



Cool dot files for Neovim, zsh, Qtile, and Alacritty and other random programs.


First you need to have git and GNU stow installed. Then clone the repository:

git clone ~/.dotfiles --depth=1
cd ~/.dotfiles

Now you can individually choose to use a dotfile config (specified by a folder) like so:

stow zsh # zsh configurations
stow nvim # Neovim configurations
stow scripts # random scripts, make sure to add ~/.local/bin/personal to $PATH

To remove a dotfile:

stow -D zsh
stow -D scripts

NOTE: Most dotfile configs (Qtile, Neovim, zsh) requires Source Code Pro Nerd Font (install using sudo pacman -S ttf-sourcecodepro-nerd) in order for them to work properly.


NOTE: Requires the lastest version of Neovim and probably only works on linux. Also need to quit Neovim and open back on first run.

By default no language servers or treesitter parsers are installed. Install language servers (provides diagnostics and autocompletion) using :LspInstall language-name (eg. :LspInstall c++) and treesitter parser using :TSInstall language-name (eg. :TSInstall c++). Also install formatters and linters with :MasonInstall name (eg. :MasonInstall prettierd). Press tab to see options.

Run :W to see all keybinds. Some basic keybinds are: Ctrl-e opens file explorer, Ctrl-t opens terminal, Alt-< and Alt-> goes between tabs, Space-o opens file picker.

Install xsel to make Neovim work with system clipboard. ripgrep is also needed in order to use telescope.


Requirements (pacman):

sudo pacman -S --needed xorg sx qtile python-dbus-next python-psutil picom dunst xsecurelock xss-lock \
    hsetroot noto-fonts-emoji ttf-liberation volumeicon fcitx5 fcitx5-gtk fcitx5-qt fcitx5-configtool \
    network-manager-applet xorg-xbacklight dmenu xdg-utils lxappearance-gtk3 alacritty pcmanfm-gtk3

Now run sx qtile start from a tty to start qtile or add this to your shell login script (usually ~/.bash_profile or ~/.zprofile) to automatically start it on login:

if [ "$(tty)" = "/dev/tty1" ]; then
    pidof Xorg || sx qtile start

To set a wallpaper copy an image file to ~/.local/share/wallpaper.* or use the setwallpaper script in the scripts directory which will also allow you to blur the image or set as a colour.

Kitty and zsh

Requires ripgrep for finding files.