
Personal configuration


my dotfiles

I use thoughtbot/dotfiles as the foundation of my personal configuration. These files are the .local modifications that build on top of the foundation.



Install Thoughtbot's dotfiles:

git clone git://
env RCRC=$HOME/dotfiles/rcrc rcup

Then clone mine:

git clone git:// ~/dotfiles-local

And re-run rcup to link:


This will create symlinks for config files in your home directory from Thoughtbot's dotfiles and my local customizations.

You can safely run rcup multiple times to update:


What's in it?

vim configuration:

  • custom configuration broken down by subject area in vim folder
  • rainbow parentheses to change colors of (), {}, [], <> when editing code
  • vim-vinegar for quick jumps through the file system (use - to jump to
    folder view for current file)
  • vim-haml & vim-markdown for editing those file/template types
  • Other awesome @tpope plugins: vim-abolish, vim-dispatch, vim-repeat,
  • vim-blockle for toggling between Ruby do-end and {} block styles
  • vim-textobj-rubyblock for getting Ruby method and class text objects (thanks
    to @nelstrom)
  • vim-scratch for top-down visor-like scratchpad

tmux configuration:

  • @christoomey's vim-tmux-navigator to streamline jumps between vim and tmux
    splits using the same commands at all times

git configuration:

  • Use the Github shell command hub instead of git (backwards compatible with
  • Pretty logging (courtesy of @croaky)

Shell aliases and scripts:

  • v for neovim
  • rc for rails console
  • taild to tail development log
  • tailt to tail test log
  • bex for bundle exec
  • bu for bundle update
  • heroky for heroku, since I can't seem to spell that correctly when typing fast

Terminal stuff:

  • nocorrects on parity commands: development, staging, production


Most of my configuration is small changes on top of thoughtbot's dotfiles. They have a great series of blog posts about dotfile configuration at their blog.

This software is free and distributable under the MIT license.