
My (new) dotfiles repository

MIT License


dotfiles 2.0

Need to update documentation. Notice the helper scripts and

There are a few "master-esque" branches. The first is obviously master. This holds common items for the other two "master-esque" branches. The other two are desktop and server. desktop is all configurations related to computers that I use the desktop on and have more liberal control over. server is for configurations on machines I don't have control over and generally only access via ssh. The primary goal of this is to have server contain as minimal a dependency list as possible.

Made a commit on a local computer branch, but it should also go in master

First, find the commit hash that you want to move. Let's say it's abcd123.

git checkout master
git pull
git cherry-pick abcd123
git checkout [local computer branch]
git rebase master

If the transfer was successful, you can go back into master and push the result to the remote.

Note that when pushing the resulting branch to remote, this must be done with a --force because this is changing the history. master cannot be force pushed

Update my local computer branch with latest master branch

If something goes wrong, simply git reset --hard ORIG_HEAD will get you back to the branches original state.

git checkout master
git pull
git push
git checkout [local computer branch]
git rebase master

Other Setup Notes

See for more detailed notes on setting up a system.

git alias

If no other [include] is in the ~/.config/git/config, then use: git config --global include.path '~/.config/git/gitconfig'

Otherwise simply add '~/.config/git/gitconfig' to ~/.config/git/config:

    path = {EXISTING PATH}
    path = ~/.config/gitconfig.aliases

Generally advised to put the includes at the beginning of the ~/.config/git/config so that directives in that the local file overrides these "default" settings.

List of common packages I use (and should remember)

Utility Type Program Name
Screen Shots Spectacle, flameshot
GIF Screen Recorder peek
PDF Master PDF Editor 4
GUI File Manager pcmanfm
VNC Client tigervnc
G600 Mouse driver piper
Emoji Font for Web noto-fonts-emoji