
. files - vim, tmux, sway and wofi


Magical dot-files

Configuration files on unix often begin with a dot, hence the word 'dot-files'

After cloning this repo(, Use Stow to symlink the files correctly. For example to symlink vim directory only, use stow vim. This will e.g. create a symlink ~/.vimrc to ~/dotfiles/vim/.vim/.vimrc and you are good to go


  • Vim
    • .vimrc
    • vim directory: contains vim plugins and ftplugins/ after_ftplugins files
  • Config files
    • Alacritty: yaml configuration file of a stupid fast termminal emulator written in Rust
    • Neovim: init.vim, plug.vim(contains plugins), ftplugin
    • Sway: A compositor for Wayland
    • Wofi: Launcher for wayland based compositors
  • Tmux
    • .tmux.conf