
My config files that I use


Nat Welch's .Files

This repository holds my config files for just about everything. Use this to set up a fresh OSX or Linux box, and Nat will be a happy user.

  • link → directly links file or folder to ~/.fname
  • specific → Links specific files, instead of their root folder.


Originally I did this entirely with shell scripts. Now I use rake. Make sure to gem install rake and install ruby 1.9.2 before going ahead with rake infect

To install all the needed OSX packages, brew bundle in the top directory.

To switch to homebrew's version of Bash (according to this doc)

echo /usr/local/bin/bash | sudo tee /etc/shells
chsh -s /usr/local/bin/bash

Things to remember

  • For more colors for things like ls on OSX, install grc: brew install grc (included in Brewfile).
  • Don't be a chump, use rvm.


Apparently other people have made similar things to my infect script.

This only initializes the configuration of a user. I assume you've used something like Fog to automate your system deployment and configuration.


This repo assumes you are managing a variety of machines. It makes some trade-offs because it assumes you use multiple machines daily.