
Personal but sharable .dotfiles managed by `rcm`.

MIT License


.dotfiles GitHub Actions

Personal but sharable .dotfiles managed by rcm


git clone https://github.com/JounQin/.dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
bash setup.sh



rcm is a rc file (dotfile) management, it is used to back up all of our sharable dotfiles.

Useful commands:

  • rcup is the main program. It is used to install and update dotfiles, with support for tags, host-specific files, and multiple source directories.
  • rcdn is the opposite of rcup.
  • mkrc is for introducing a dotfile into your dotfiles directory, with support for tags and multiple source directories.
  • lsrc shows you all your dotfiles and where they would be symlinked to. It is used by rcup but is provided for your own use, too.


Homebrew is The missing package manager for macOS (or Linux), it is used to manage all packages and apps (with brew cask and mas). And Homebrew Bundle bundles them together.

Useful commands:

  • Run brew bundle dump to generate a file named Brewfile according to your installed taps, packages and apps.

  • Run brew bundle to check and install packages and apps via Brewfile, just change it as you wish.

    You may need to move the apps which are not managed by brew cask or mas to trash.

    AND do not delete any of your app data, be careful!

Zinit and Oh-My-Zsh

Zinit is a Flexible Zsh plugin manager with clean fpath, reports, completion management, turbo mode, services, and Oh My Zsh is a framework for managing your zsh configuration, they are used to make our terminal more beautiful and productive.

I was always using official apple theme before I meet starship.

Just change file zshrc if you want to modify the zsh plugins, theme, aliases or exports, etc.

Notable plugins and apps

Quick Look plugins

A set of Quick Look plugins for developers are bundled via brew cask, they are used to help you quick preview the file without opening it for OS X/macOS. All of the available plugins are included by default.


SwitchHosts is used for helping you to Switch hosts quickly! I just accidentally meet it in recent days, and I used iHost before, but it is not so powerful if you don't want to pay for it.


1stG RxTS UnTS
1stG Open Collective backers and sponsors RxTS Open Collective backers and sponsors UnTS Open Collective backers and sponsors


1stG RxTS UnTS
1stG Open Collective backers and sponsors RxTS Open Collective backers and sponsors UnTS Open Collective backers and sponsors


MIT © JounQin@1stG.me