
🪴 my dotfile garden 🌱



🪴 my dotfile garden 🌱

Welcome! I use this repository as my automated way to setup machines with my specific preferences.

Current setup

  • Install scripts are broken into 2 environments:
    1. ./install for my personal machine
    2. ./install-work for my work machine
  • Uses the XDG spec to
    attempt to prevent cluttering the $HOME (~) folder
  • Symlinks config files from this project to where they are expected to be found
  • Uses Homebrew Bundle Brewfiles
    to download CLI tools and GUI applications
  • Uses the latest zsh and has that work with tmux
  • Sets plenty of system preferences, including DNS servers and remapping the
    caps lock to be control
  • SSH setup
  • Installs nix, cachix, and
  • More little things...


In the past I've used these tools to manage my machines:

Here is this dotfile garden's first commit.


This is not intended to be used as a template, but it may provide inspiration for those looking to craft their own dotfiles and learn a few things along the way.