
Arch Linux dotfiles

Description Packages
Window Manager awesome-git
GUI File Manager nautilus
Browser brave-nightly
Text Editor code
Music mpd - ncmpcpp - spotify (spicetify)
Menu Launcher rofi
Terminal wezterm
Compositor picom
Screen Capture scrot and maim
SHELL fish
Markdown Viewer glow
Notes obsidian
Translations translate-shell
Content Viewer (cat) bat
List files exa
Search files fd
Notifications dunst
Benchmark tool hyperfine
Terminal recorder asciinema
System info nitch - dzen2 - neofetch - inxi
JSON parser jq
Network info vnstat
System monitor bashtop - gotop (gtop) - bottom (btm)
Cron cronie
Line tracer ltrace
System tracer strace
Process tracer ptrace
Line code tracker tokei
Command info tealdeer (tldr )
CLI File Manager ranger - lf
Feed RSS yarr
Reader PDF zathura - zotero
Password manager keepassxc
Movies stremio
Containers docker - podman - dive (inspect)
Container stats ctop
API Client bruno - curl - insomnia
Database Client beekeeper-studio-bin
Git better-commits - tig - Git File History (ext)
GitHub Client github-cli
SCM git - fossil
Git Highlight git-delta
Image Viewer feh - nitrogen - viewnior
Image Upload
Character Map gucharmap


Ephemeral based



Pacman Packages

sudo pacman -S docker acpid acpi inxi jq fpp lazydocker podman eza earlyoom bc ctop dunst bottom docker-compose cronie git github-cli ltrace maim neofetch net-tools  nitrogen feh nmap pax-utils pavucontrol stow powerline rofi rsync strace unzip usbutils zsh wezterm tree vnstat tig dzen2 zsh-autosuggestions glow zsh-completions zsh-history-substring-search zsh-syntax-highlighting fish fisher fzf translate-shell fd bat ripgrep exa dust hyperfine tokei tealdeer bashtop curl asciinema ranger obsidian neovim ncmpcpp mpd ttf-roboto nautilus gnome-keyring nodejs yarn gparted inotify-tools bluez bluez-utils bluez-plugins playerctl redshift upower xorg xorg-init tar unzip dive vivid git-delta lf brightnessctl ueberzug w3m viewnior fossil

AUR Packages

paru -S visual-studio-code-bin awesome-git insomnia-bin megasync-bin picom-git spicetify-cli spotify stremio ttf-hasklig ttf-icomoon-feather ttf-material-design-icons zotero-bin zsh-autocomplete-git yt-dlp yarr-bin firefox-developer-edition keepassxc nitch gotop beekeeper-studio-bin cutefish-cursor-themes-git cutefish-icons thorium-browser-bin cava sortty

Snap Packages

sudo snap install bruno

NPM Packages

npm install -g better-commits

How to install using Stow

sudo pacman -S stow

Clone the repository

git clone
stow -vSt ~ dotfiles # -v for verbose, -S for stow, -t for target

If any conflict occurs with existing files, remove them and make a backup or run --restore (delete + stow), this will delete the files and create a dotfiles symbolic link for them.


This project is licensed under the Unlicense - see the LICENSE file for details.


  • Harry by Awesome base configuration
  • Andreas by Cascade Firefox theme


Dotfiles rwietter | Released under the Unlicense