
macOS Dotfiles - Easily configure macOS

MIT License


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dotfiles - v4.0

Published by samuelramox over 1 year ago

Installation is better, simpler, cleaner and compatible with Apple Silicon hardwares.

Full changelog:

  • Add support to Apple Silicon hardware
  • Add brew formular unar
  • Add new alias gitcfg, npmcheck and npmupdate in .zshrc
  • Add yalc package in
  • Add supress 'Last Login' on terminal launch
  • Add Mail app in Dock
  • Add asdf nodejs plugin
  • Add defaultBranch = main in .gitconfig
  • Add VSCode as diff and merge tool
  • Change cask insomnia to postman
  • Change nvm to asdf
  • Improve setup
  • Remove cask iterm2 and change to native Terminal
  • Remove pyenv
  • Remove npm package npm-check
  • Remove pull.ff only from git config
  • Remove deprecated formula itermocil
  • Remove deprecated plugin zsh_reload
  • Remove image from
  • Update osx plugin to macos in .zshrc
  • Update files and organize folders

Full Changelog:

dotfiles - v3.7

Published by samuelramox over 3 years ago

  • Fix bug in Starship config install
  • Remove deprecated formula unrar
  • Remove
  • Update image in
  • Update Homebrew install url
  • Update iTerm2 config file to use font size 12
  • Update VSCode config in
dotfiles - v3.6

Published by samuelramox over 3 years ago

  • Add brew formula flake8
  • Add cask beekeeper-studio
  • Add npm-check package in
  • Add eslint-plugin-mdx package in
  • Add zsh-nvm plugin to improve nvm init perfomance in .zshrc
  • Change cask postman to insomnia
  • Change Spaceship ZSH to Starship theme in .zshrc
  • Fix bug in homebrew-command-not-found that caused slowness in the terminal
  • Fix pyenv in .zshrc
  • Refactor installation files
  • Refactor .zshrc
  • Remove some zsh plugins
  • Rename zshconfig alias to zshcfg
  • Update .gitconfig
  • Update


  • Add cask openinterminal
  • Add cask docker
  • Change cask insomnia to paw
dotfiles - v3.5

Published by samuelramox over 4 years ago

  • Add brew formula itermocil
  • Add brew formula tree
  • Change screenshot filename to Screenshot in any language
  • Fix Ruby gem path
  • Reduce image weight (1.66Mb to 295Kb)
  • Refactor
  • Update .gitconfig
  • Update
  • Various fixes

As of this release, other specific branches have been created. Below are the differences from the main branch:


  • Add GPG setup
  • Add paid casks: adguard, dash, istat-menus, pdf-expert, sip
  • Save screenshots to the Grab folder in iCloud


Do not use this branch. It contains settings specific to my work and will probably be deleted one day.

dotfiles - v3.4

Published by samuelramox over 4 years ago

  • Add brew formula curl
  • Add brew formula postgresql
  • Add cask postman
  • Add pyenv init prettier in .zshrc
  • Fix copyssh alias to use correct SSH filename
  • Fix Ruby path in .zshrc
dotfiles - v3.3

Published by samuelramox over 4 years ago

  • Add npm package prettier
  • Add step to setup Python during installation
  • Change cask font-fira-code to font-jetbrains-mono
  • Fix Python 3 path
  • Remove all paid cask
  • Remove keep_sudo_alive
  • Remove sort contacts by first name in
  • Remove deprecated tslint package
  • Revert Bluetooth sound quality in
  • Update .gitignore_global
  • Update image
  • Update
  • Update SSH to use Ed25519
dotfiles -

Published by samuelramox almost 5 years ago

  • Add cask istat-menus
  • Add Dock magnification in
  • Fix FK_StandardViewSettings in
  • Remove Dock from the left in
  • Remove Spark in Dock setup
  • Remove Visual Studio Code extension install
  • Remove UI adjustments in
  • Update image
  • Update
dotfiles -

Published by samuelramox almost 5 years ago

  • Add homebrew tap command-not-found
  • Add homebrew shell completion
  • Add iTerm2 preferences
  • Change Oh My Zsh plugins install method
  • Change Oh My Zsh to auto update
  • Update
  • Update
  • Update .zshrc
dotfiles -

Published by samuelramox almost 5 years ago

Installation is better, simpler, cleaner and compatible with macOS Catalina (10.15). The theme of and iTerm2 has been changed and now Zsh is the default shell (bash is no longer the default shell in macOS 10.15).

Full changelog:

  • Add new alias
  • Add step to generate SSH during installation
  • Add step to change hostname during installation
  • Add zsh-autosuggest highlight style to fix color in iTerm2
  • Change terminal theme to Dracula and Spaceship ZSH
  • Enable new Oh My Zsh plugins
  • Now the only installed Visual Studio Code extension is Settings Sync
  • Remove some casks that were installed by default: cleanmymac3, franz, spotify
  • Remove all apps not installed by default
  • Remove .bash_profile (bash is no longer default shell on macOS 10.15)
  • Remove Dashboard settings in (Dashboard app has been removed on macOS 10.15)
  • Remove all functions that disable macOS effects in
  • Remove step to enable trimforce during installation
  • Simplified installation
  • Update homebrew taps
  • Update image in
  • Update Dock setup
  • Update
  • Update .zshrc to make it faster and cleaner
  • Other refactorings and adjustments
dotfiles - v2.5

Published by samuelramox over 5 years ago

  • Add brew casks: adguard, cleanmymac3, coderunner, marshallofsound-google-play-music-player
  • Add mas apps: Enpass
  • Add VSCode extensions: coenraads.bracket-pair-colorizer-2, ecmel.vscode-html-css, orta.vscode-jest
  • Rename Projects folder to Developer
  • Update VSCode settings
  • Update macOS defaults configs
  • Update git global core.editor to "nano"
dotfiles - v2.4

Published by samuelramox about 6 years ago

  • Add mas apps: Slack, Telegram, WhatsApp Desktop
  • Fix work alias
dotfiles - v2.3

Published by samuelramox about 6 years ago

  • Add brew formulae: nvm
  • Add brew casks: adobe-creative-cloud
  • Add mas apps: Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo, Noizio, OneDrive, OneNote
  • Add npm packages: create-react-native-app, sass, typescript
  • Add aliases: npmupdade, work, uncommit
  • Add VSCode extensions: htmltagwrap, Image preview, ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/React-Native snippets for VSCode, TSLint
  • Fix brew cleanup
  • Fix tap to click in macOS defaults configs
  • Remove Filevault script in macOS defaults configs
  • Remove Sketch in macOS defaults configs
  • Remove deprecated Ruby Sass
  • Update cleanup alias
  • Update VSCode settings
  • Update macOS defaults configs
dotfiles - v2.2

Published by samuelramox over 6 years ago

  • Add Franz to dock configs
  • Fix bash_profile in setup
  • Fix Hack Nerd Font
  • Fix ESLint extension
  • Fix trimforce enable
dotfiles - V2.1

Published by samuelramox over 6 years ago

  • Add Prettier Code formatter extension
  • Add npm ESLint package
  • Remove some VSCode extensions
  • Update VSCode settings
dotfiles - dotfile v2.0

Published by samuelramox over 6 years ago

  • Add Oh My Zsh and some plugins
  • Aliases and functions are included in .zshrc file or in the installed plugins
  • Change Bash to Zsh
  • Remove symbolic links
  • Update .gitignore_global
  • Update setup
  • Update

Note: This version is not compatible with v1.0

dotfiles - dotfiles v1.2

Published by samuelramox over 6 years ago

  • Fix install bug