



This are my dotfiles, I intend to add all of them here but ofcourse they require significant rewrites just so that I don't leak anything and also to ensure that I can use them comfortably with stow.

Currently these dotfiles have the following:

  1. nvim config
  2. zsh config
  3. tmux config
  4. alacritty config
  5. Karabiner mappings
  6. Hammerspoon stuff (specific to MacOS)
  7. local scripts

My Current Setup:

  • Terminal Emulator - Alacritty
  • Terminal Multiplexer - Tmux
  • Text Editor - Neovim
  • Font - CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font (Cascadia Code patched font)

NOTE TO SELF: Make sure to run make to check that all the dependencies are indeed installed on the system.