
Setup my environment using Makefile

AGPL-3.0 License


Setup dotfiles

For a long time, every time I needed to format my notebook I had to configure my entire working environment after formatting, installing and adjusting all the systems I use on a daily basis (or I think I use them). I saw that this work was always thrown away and redone with each new setup, so I decided to automate the manual actions so as not to lose them.

How to use

Use make without targets to list all the follow targets:

Target Description
act Run your GitHub Actions locally
adb Install adb
appimage-launcher Helper application for Linux distributions serving as a kind of "entry point" for running and integrating AppImages
bashrc My custom bashrc
codium Binary releases of VS Code without MS branding/telemetry/licensing
dbeaver Install dbeaver
docker Setup docker
essentials Essentials binaries
firefox-developer Firefox developer edition
firefox Firefox without ppa
gestures My custom gestures
github-cli Work seamlessly with GitHub from the command line
git Setup git with small customizations
gpg Setup essentials to sign git commits and configure
insomnia Insomnia API client
keepassxc-develop Setup keepassxc from source
keepassxc Setup keepassxc
nextcloud-desktop Desktop sync client for Nextcloud. Will be good to run the target appimage-launcher
obs-flatpak Install OBS Studio from flatpak
onlyoffice-desktop ONLYOFFICE Desktop
slim Slim(toolkit). Don't change anything in your container image and minify it by up to 30x making it secure too!
telegram-flatpak Install Telegram from flatpak
telegram Telegram oficial
udev Install udev rules
vim Setup my vimrc
vscode VS Code
youtube-dl A youtube-dl fork with additional features and fixes

To run a target use make <target-name>

Environments to makefile

Name Default value Description
PROJECTS_PATH ~/projects The path to store all projects

Example to rum make using an environment:

PROJECTS_PATH=~/Projects make essentials