
Hacking to the Arch

  • Hacking to the Arch

I'm using NixOS now, and my configuration file is at [[][sourcehut:~meow_king/nixos-config]]

This README is outdated


#+caption: wayland_screenshot_0 [[./screenshots/wayland-0.png]]

#+caption: wayland_screenshot_1 [[./screenshots/wayland-1.png]]


#+caption: x11_screenshot [[./screenshots/2022-12-21_18-09.png]]

** Overview *** infrastructure

  • Panel: =polybar= (X11), =waybar= (Wayland)
  • Terminal: =kitty= (main) and =alacritty=
  • Shell: =fish=
  • Menu(Application Launcher, etc.): =rofi= (lbonn's fork for both Wayland and X11) and =jgmenu= (X11)
  • Display Manager: =lightdm= with =lightdm-slick-greeter=
  • Screen Lock: =BetterScreenLock= (X11)
  • Notification Manager: =dunst=
  • Editors(and IDE):
    • =emacs=: own [[][.emacs.d]](in use) doom emacs [[][configuration]]
    • +=neovim=: astrovim [[./dotfiles/config/nvim/lua/user/init.lua][configuration]]+
    • =Jetbrains IDE=: [[./dotfiles/config/ideavimrc][.ideavimrc]]
    • =vscode=(=code - oss=): [[./dotfiles/config/Code%20-%20OSS/User/settings.json][settings.json]]
    • =vim=: [[][extremely basic config]] for algorithm competition
  • File Manager: =ranger=
  • Windows Manager: =bspwm= (X11, with hotkey manager =sxhkd=), =hyprland= (Wayland)
  • Compositor: =picom= (X11, [[][pijulius/picom]])
  • Pdf Reader: =sioyek= (now) =zathura= (discard)
  • Dot files Manager: [[][dotdrop]]

*** Appearance

  • icons:
    • (now) =Tela-dracula= Arch Linux package name: =tele-icon-theme=
    • =Deepin Icons 2022= [[][KDE store ]][[][GitHub]]
  • grub:
    • (now) [[][matter]]
    • [[][GRUB-Theme]]
  • font:
  • cursor: [[][Google_Cursor]] (google-dot-blue)
  • qt5: [[][Kvantum]]
  • GTK: [[][Layan-gtk-theme]]
    ** Docs
  • [[file:docs/][installation]]

** Other Awesome Dot files

  • [[][gh0stzk/dotfiles]]
  • [[][tam-carre/dotfiles]]
  • [[][HynDuf7/dotfiles]]
  • [[][Syndrizzle/hotfiles]]
  • [[][AmadeusWM/dotfiles-hyprland]]
  • [[][lokesh-krishna/dotfiles]]

** Useful Links

  • [[][Hi DPI - Arch Wiki]]
  • [[][Environment variables]]