
MIT License


BenchmarkDotNet.ResultDiff is a simple command line program that takes two directories as parameters and outputs a diff view for the BenchmarkDotNet results.

The input used is the CSV result format and output is the GitHub flavored version of Markdown.

Each result file comparison is added to output with heading containing the name of benchmark (file name).

See this PR for Jint for an example how output file contents can be easily pasted to PRs.


General workflow that works at least for me

  • Run your benchmark on original branch
  • Rename the result directory BenchmarkDotNet.Artifacts to for example BenchmarkDotNet.Artifacts_original
  • Switch to your optimization branch
  • Run benchmarks again
  • Run this tool and paths as parameters (BenchmarkDotNet.Artifacts_original BenchmarkDotNet.Artifacts)

cd C:\Sources\BenchmarkDotNet.ResultDiff\src\BenchmarkDotNet.ResultDiff

dotnet run ..\jint\Jint.Benchmark\BenchmarkDotNet.Artifacts_dev ..\jint\Jint.Benchmark\BenchmarkDotNet.Artifacts_my_feature

Analyzing pair ArrayBenchmark-report.csv Wrote results to C:\BenchmarkDotNet.ResultDiff\

BenchmarkDotNet input

The tool turns these two results tables (taken from markdown output, tool actually uses CSV):


Method N Mean Error StdDev Gen 0 Allocated
Slice 100 436.2 us 0.7824 us 0.6936 us 161.1328 660.16 KB
Concat 100 468.4 us 1.0230 us 0.9569 us 175.7813 720.31 KB
Unshift 100 17,912.2 us 29.0475 us 24.2560 us 3562.5000 14672.66 KB
Push 100 10,861.8 us 17.9719 us 16.8109 us 343.7500 1438.28 KB
Index 100 12,106.5 us 7.0282 us 6.5742 us 390.6250 1637.5 KB
Map 100 3,382.7 us 13.8354 us 12.9416 us 765.6250 3149.22 KB
Apply 100 569.2 us 1.1511 us 1.0767 us 188.4766 774.22 KB
JsonStringifyParse 100 4,523.7 us 6.5277 us 6.1060 us 1273.4375 5225 KB


Method N Mean Error StdDev Gen 0 Allocated
Slice 100 455.8 us 3.482 us 3.086 us 161.1328 660.16 KB
Concat 100 496.6 us 9.547 us 10.611 us 175.7813 720.31 KB
Unshift 100 19,023.0 us 103.525 us 96.838 us 3562.5000 14672.66 KB
Push 100 11,274.1 us 31.569 us 29.530 us 343.7500 1438.28 KB
Index 100 12,471.8 us 33.521 us 29.716 us 390.6250 1643.75 KB
Map 100 3,624.8 us 31.269 us 29.249 us 691.4063 2833.59 KB
Apply 100 600.3 us 6.965 us 6.515 us 188.4766 774.22 KB
JsonStringifyParse 100 4,602.2 us 49.303 us 43.706 us 1273.4375 5225.78 KB


Output for each file single result table that allows easier examination of differences between the results:


Diff Method N Mean Gen 0 Allocated
Old Slice 100 436.2 us 161.1328 660.16 KB
New 455.8 us (+4%) 161.1328 (0%) 660.16 KB (0%)
Old Concat 100 468.4 us 175.7813 720.31 KB
New 496.6 us (+6%) 175.7813 (0%) 720.31 KB (0%)
Old Unshift 100 17,912.2 us 3562.5000 14672.66 KB
New 19,023.0 us (+6%) 3562.5000 (0%) 14672.66 KB (0%)
Old Push 100 10,861.8 us 343.7500 1438.28 KB
New 11,274.1 us (+4%) 343.7500 (0%) 1438.28 KB (0%)
Old Index 100 12,106.5 us 390.6250 1637.5 KB
New 12,471.8 us (+3%) 390.6250 (0%) 1643.75 KB (0%)
Old Map 100 3,382.7 us 765.6250 3149.22 KB
New 3,624.8 us (+7%) 691.4063 (-10%) 2833.59 KB (-10%)
Old Apply 100 569.2 us 188.4766 774.22 KB
New 600.3 us (+5%) 188.4766 (0%) 774.22 KB (0%)
Old JsonStringifyParse 100 4,523.7 us 1273.4375 5225 KB
New 4,602.2 us (+2%) 1273.4375 (0%) 5225.78 KB (0%)