
Logging as simple as it can be.




Logging as simple as it can be.

Most of the time I don't need a sophisticated logger and I got tired of configuring the same thing for log4net over and over again.


using LLibrary;

var myLogger = new L();

myLogger.Log("INFO", "Some information");
myLogger.Log("ERROR", new Exception("BOOM!"));

You can use built-in methods for the classical DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL labels (but there's no logging level here, they're just labels):

myLogger.Info("Some information");
myLogger.Error(new Exception("BOOM!"));

A file named yyyy-MM-dddd.log will be created in a logs folder (located where the application is running), like 2014-12-16.log containing:

2014-12-16 19:21:45 INFO  Some information.
2014-12-16 19:21:52 ERROR A System.Exception happened: BOOM!


The library works out-of-the-box without configuration, but you can configure a thing or two if you want:

var myLogger = new L(
    // True to use UTC time rather than local time.
    // Defaults to false.
    useUtcTime: true,

    // If other than null it sets to delete any file in the log folder that is older than the time set.
    // Defaults to null.
    deleteOldFiles: TimeSpan.FromDays(10),

    // Format string to use when calling DateTime.Format.
    // Defaults to "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss".
    dateTimeFormat: "dd MMM HH:mm:ss",

    // Directory where to create the log files.
    // Defaults to null, which creates a local "logs" directory.
    directory: @"C:\custom-directory\my-logs\",

    // Labels enabled to be logged by the library, an attempt to log with a label that is not enabled is ignored (no error is raised), null or empty enables all labels.
    // Defaults to null.
    enabledLabels: "INFO", "ERROR"

But I want...

To restrict the file size? Log to a database? What about a fancy web interface?

If that is the case, this library is not for you. Consider using other library such as log4net, NLog, ELMAH or Logary.