
This POS Project was developed with N-Tier Architecture in C# and follows Object Relational Mapping (ORM) from scratch and using MS SQL Server 2019 and .NET Framework 4.8 as Backend.


Point of Sale (POS) - Inventory & Super Shop Management System - C#

C#  .Net 4.8  MicrosoftSQLServer  Visual Studio

Quick Shortcuts

1. Get Started

2. Quick Overview - Setup & Run

3. Tools & Technologies

4. Solution Explorer & Layer Architecture

5. Database Diagram

6. Screens

7. Note

Point of Sale (POS)

Point of Sale (POS) with N-Tier Architecture (5 Layers). This Project was developed in C# and follows Object Relational Mapping (ORM) from scratch and using MS SQL Server 2019 and .NET Framework 4.8 as backend. Project-based on my university course curriculum CSC 2210: Object Oriented Programming 2.

This POS has 3 Roles features.

# Roles

  • User 1 : Admin
  • User 2 : Cashier
  • User 3 : Salesman

# Features

1. Admin

  • Manage Employees – Add Employee, Delete Employee, Edit Employee Info.
  • Manage Products – Add Product, Delete Product, Edit Product Info.
  • Manage Stock – Add, Delete, Edit - Vendor’s Product.
  • Salary History Tracking.
  • Expenses & Liabilities Tracking.
  • Make Sell.
  • Bill Generate.
  • Selling History.
  • Database Backup & Restore.

2. Cashier

  • Make Sell.
  • Bill Generate.
  • Selling History.
  • Manage Stock.

3. Salesman

  • Make Sell.
  • Bill Generate.

Quick Overview - Setup & Run

Need to Download:Visual Studio 2019 .NET Framework 4.8 Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Express (64-bit) SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 18.9.2

Step - 1

Download or Clone

git clone https://github.com/livealvi/.NET-Point-of-Sale-POS--Csharp

Step - 2

Make Database follow this Diagram

Step - 3

Make Database connection on DataAccess Layer

Step - 4

Goto project folder PointOfSaleProject open POS.InventoryManagementSystem.sln with Visual Studio

Step - 3

Build & Run the project

Tools & Technologies





Solution Explorer & Layer Architecture

Using 5 layers


1. Application Layer

2. DataAccess Layer

3. Entity Layer

4. Framework Layer

5. Repository Layer

Database Diagram

Note: Using SQL Server & SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)(Database Script or .bak file Not Include on this repo)


Windows Forms

Note: Using Default .NET UI Component And Two 3rd Party .NET UI & Reporting Components(3rd Party UI Not Include on this repo)

# Login

# Dashboard

# Make Payment

# Sales History

# Master Categories

# Main Category

# Second Category

# Third Category

# Vendors

# Brands

# Products

# Employees & User Tracker

# Expenses Tracker

# Database Backup & Restore


  • Backup Microsoft SQL Database Script or .bak file Not Include
  • 3rd Party .NET UI & Reporting Components Not Include DevExpress and Guna UI2 Not Include

- Thank You.