
Automatic REST API for PostgreSQL Database as .NET8 Middleware

MIT License



Automatic REST API for PostgreSQL Databases implemented as AOT-Ready .NET8 Middleware

If you have a PostgreSQL database - based on your configuration, NpgsqlRest can create blazing fast REST API automatically and write client code for your project.

Read the NpgsqlRest Version 2 Blog Post.

See the changelog for the latest release changes in the Changelog.

There is also a client application (AOT Build) available for download from the Release page or as an NPM package. See the client application page or the NPM Package.

High Performance

Number of Requests in 60 seconds stress test:

Platform Number Of Requests in 60 Seconds Ratio For 1 Request How Many NpgsqlRest AOT Requests
NpgsqlRest AOT 781,803 1
NpgsqlRest JIT 562,304 1.39
.NET8 ADO 440,896 1.77
.NET8 EF 337,612 2.32
PostgREST 72,305 10.81
Django 21,193 36.89
Express 160,241 4.88
GO 78,530 9.96
FastAPI 13,650 57.27

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Modular Design

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Quick Example

1) Your PostgreSQL Function

create function hello_world()                                    
returns text 
language sql
as $$
select 'Hello World'

2) .NET8 AOT-Ready Web App

var builder = WebApplication.CreateSlimBuilder(args);
var app = builder.Build();
var connectionStr = "Host=localhost;Port=5432;Database=my_db;Username=postgres;Password=postgres";

3) Auto-Generated HTTP File


// function public.hello_world()
// returns text
POST {{host}}/api/hello-world/

4) Auto-Generated Typescript Client Module

const _baseUrl = "http://localhost:5000";                        

* function public.get_latest_customer()
* returns customers
* @remarks
* GET /api/get-latest-customer
* @see FUNCTION public.get_latest_customer
export async function getHelloWorld() : Promise<string> {
    const response = await fetch(_baseUrl + "/api/hello-world", {
        method: "GET",
        headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
    return await response.text() as string;

5) Endpoint Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK                                                  
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/plain
Date: Tue, 09 Jan 2024 14:25:26 GMT
Server: Kestrel
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

Hello World


  • Automatic generation of the HTTP REST endpoints from PostgreSQL functions and procedures.
  • Native AOT-Ready. AOT is ahead-of-time compiled to the native code. No dependencies, native executable, it just runs and it's very fast.
  • Customization of endpoints with comment annotations. You can easily configure any endpoint by adding comment annotation labels to PostgreSQL Comments.
  • Interact seamlessly with .NET8 backend and take advantage of .NET8 features.
  • High performance with or without native AOT, up to 6 times higher throughput than similar solutions.
  • Plug-in system with additional functionalities: table CRUD support, code generation for HTTP Files and Typescript client and more.

Automatic Generation of REST Endpoints

See the introductory example above. Automatically build HTTP REST endpoints from PostgreSQL functions and procedures and configure them the way you like.

Native AOT-Ready

With the NET8 you can build into native code code (ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation).

NpgsqlRest is fully native AOT-ready and AOT-tested.

AOT builds have faster startup time, smaller memory footprints and don't require any .NET runtime installed.

Comment Annotations

Configure individual endpoints with powerful and simple routine comment annotations. You can use any PostgreSQL administration tool or a simple script:


create function hello_world_html()                               
language sql 
select '<div>Hello World</div>';

comment on function hello_world_html() is '
HTTP GET /hello
Content-Type: text/html';

Will have content type text/html as visible in comment annotation:

Connection: close                                                
Content-Type: text/html
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2024 11:00:39 GMT
Server: Kestrel
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

<div>Hello World</div>

NET8 backend

NpgsqlRest is implemented as a NET8 middleware component, which means that anything that is available in NET8 is also available to the NpgsqlRest REST endpoints.

And that is, well, everything... from rate limiters to all kinds of authorization schemas, to name a few.

You can also interact with the NET8 calling code to:

  • Provide custom parameter validations.
  • Pass custom values to function/procedure parameters.

For example, pass a Context.User.Identity.Name to every parameter named user:

var app = builder.Build();                                       
    ValidateParameters = p =>
        if (p.Context.User.Identity?.IsAuthenticated == true && 
            string.Equals(p.ParamName, "user", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            p.Parameter.Value = p.Context.User.Identity.Name;

High Performances

Tests are executed with the K6 stress tool for:

  • Duration of 60 seconds.
  • 100 simultaneous virtual users.
  • Retrieval of 10 and 100 records.
Platform 10 Records 100 Records
AOT is an ahead-of-time native compilation of NpgsqlRest. NpgsqlRest compiled to the native binary. 781,803 307,427
JIT is a just-in-time compilation of NpgsqlRest to NET8 CLR (Common Language Runtime) on NET8 runtime. 562,304 303,692
ADO is NET8 Raw ADO Data Reader approach. Source 440,896 314,198
EF is Entity Framework Core 8 on NET8 runtime. Source 337,612 235,331
PostgREST version 12.0.2 72,305 40,456
Django REST Framework 4.2.10 on Python 3.8 Source Link 21,193 18,345
Express on NodeJS v20.11.1, express v4.18.3, pg 8.11.3 Source Link 160,241 55,119
GO version go1.13.8 Source Link 78,530 55,119
FastAPI version 0.110.0 on Python 3.8 Source Link 13,650 9,666

See more details here.

Plug-in System

NpgsqlRest has a plug-in system that allows you to extend the functionality of the generated REST API from your PostgreSQL database.

Currently, the following plug-ins are available:

  • CRUD support. Automatically generate CRUD endpoints for your PostgreSQL tables and views.
  • HTTP File support. Automatically generate HTTP files for testing, with the list of available endpoints.
  • Typescript Client support. Automatically generate Typescript client code from the NpgsqlRest endpoints for your Typescript projects.

Getting Started

Using Library

Library Installation

Install the package from NuGet by using any of the available methods:

dotnet add package NpgsqlRest --version 2.0.0
NuGet\Install-Package NpgsqlRest -version 2.0.0
<PackageReference Include="NpgsqlRest" Version="2.0.0" />

Library First Use

Your application builder code:

var app = builder.Build();

For all available build options, see the options documentation.

Library Dependencies

  • net8.0
  • Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web 8.0
  • Npgsql 8.0.1
  • PostgreSQL >= 13

Note: PostgreSQL 13 minimal version is required to run the initial query to get the list of functions. The source code of this query can be found here. For versions prior to version 13, this query can be replaced with a custom query that can run on older versions.


Contributions from the community are welcomed. Please make a pull request with a description if you wish to contribute.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.