
The coffeeshop apps on .NET Aspire

MIT License


The Coffeeshop Apps on .NET Aspire

The coffeeshop apps on .NET Aspire


Notice: This is just a demo of how can we build and deploy the microservices approach. In the reality, the boundary should be defined by bounded-context concepts of Domaim-driven Design, and totally based on the business domain, and might not be so fine-grained services like this demo, so you use it with care.

  • Built on .NET 8.0 LTS
  • Microservices architectural style
  • Follows Vertical Sliding principles
  • Domain Driven Design building blocks
  • CQRS with MediatR and Fluent Validations
  • Shift-left Observability with .NET Aspire (OpenTelemetry built-in)
    • Custom OpenTelemetry for MediatR and FluentValidation handlers
    • Custom OpenTelemetry for MassTransit on consumers
    • Enrich .NET 8 global loggings
  • OpenAPI supports
  • Mapperly for generating object mappings
  • API Versioning
  • Integration test with .NET Aspire and Wiremock.NET
    • Run it on GitHub Actions and output code coverage
  • Response Caching - Distributed Caching with Redis
  • Dapr integration
  • JWT & Authentication with Keycloak

System Context diagram - C4 Model

	title System Context diagram for CoffeeShop Application
	Boundary(b0, "Boundary1") {
		Person(customer, "Customers", "Customers of the coffeeshop.")

		Boundary(b1, "Application", "boundary") {
			System(SystemA, "CoffeeShop app", "Allows customers to submit and view their orders.")

		Boundary(b2, "Infrastructure", "boundary") {
			SystemDb(SystemD, "Database", "A system of the coffeeshop app.")
			SystemQueue(SystemQ, "Message Queue", "A system of the coffeeshop app.")

	Rel(customer, SystemA, "Uses")
	Rel(SystemA, SystemD, "Uses")
	Rel(SystemA, SystemQ, "Uses")

Container diagram - C4 Model

	title Container diagram for CoffeeShop Application

	Person(customer, "Customers", "Customers of the coffeeshop.")

	Container_Boundary(c1, "CoffeeShop Application") {
		Container(reverse_proxy, "Gateway", "C#, .NET 8, YARP", "The reverse proxy/API gateway of the coffeeshop app.")

		Container(counter_api, "Counter APIs", "C#, .NET 8, MassTransit", "The counter service.")
		Container(barista_api, "Barista APIs", "C#, .NET 8, MassTransit", "The barista service.")
		Container(kitchen_api, "Kitchen APIs", "C#, .NET 8, MassTransit", "The kitchen service.")
		Container(order_summary, "Order Summary", "C#, .NET 8, Marten", "The order summary service.")

		Container(product_api, "Product APIs", "C#, .NET 8", "The product service.")
		Boundary(b1, "Docker containers", "boundary") {
			ContainerDb(database, "Database", "Postgres", "Stores orders, audit logs, etc.")
			ContainerQueue(message_broker, "Message Broker", "RabbitMQ", "Asynchronous communication between counter, barista, kitchen, and order-summary")

	Rel(customer, reverse_proxy, "Uses", "HTTPS")
	Rel(reverse_proxy, product_api, "Proxies", "HTTP")
	Rel(reverse_proxy, counter_api, "Proxies", "HTTP")

	Rel(order_summary, database, "Uses", "TCP")
	Rel(counter_api, product_api, "Calls", "HTTP")
	Rel(counter_api, message_broker, "Publishes", "TCP")
	Rel(counter_api, message_broker, "Publishes", "TCP")
	Rel_Back(barista_api, message_broker, "Subscribes", "TCP")
	Rel_Back(kitchen_api, message_broker, "Subscribes", "TCP")
	Rel_Back(order_summary, message_broker, "Subscribes", "TCP")


If you run on Windows 11:

> cargo install just

Get starting

> dotnet build coffeeshop-aspire.sln
> dotnet run --project app-host/app-host.csproj
# http://localhost:5019

Generate manifest file (powershell)

dotnet run --project app-host\CoffeeShop.AppHost.csproj `
    --publisher manifest `
    --output-path ../aspire-manifest.json

Deploy to Kubernetes

dotnet tool install -g aspirate --prerelease

Run with Justfile (cross-platform)

> just run

On Windows 11 - WSL2 Ubuntu 22 integrated, we can use Podman Desktop to replace Docker for Desktop, and run .NET Aspire normally. Check this blog post ->

Run with Makefile (Ubuntu)

> touch .env
> make run
# http://localhost:5019
dotnet publish "/workspaces/coffeeshop-aspire/app-host/../product-api/CoffeeShop.ProductApi.csproj" -p:PublishProfile="DefaultContainer" -p:PublishSingleFile="true" 
-p:PublishTrimmed="false" --self-contained "true" --verbosity "quiet" --nologo -r "linux-x64" -p:ContainerRegistry="k3d-myregistry.localhost:12345" -p:ContainerRepository="product-api" -p:ContainerImageTag="latest"