
Citrina is a full-blown high-performance VK (VKontakte) API realization for .NET that offers full support of all existing methods.

MIT License



Citrina is a full-blown high-performance VK (VKontakte) API realization for .NET that offers full support of all existing methods.

Table of contents


Citrina is a VK API wrapper for .NET framework. This realization uses an official VK API JSON Schema to keep all the request/response models and methods up to date. Using this schema guarantees the correctness and completeness of models that VK API actually supports. Current API version that described by VK API JSON Schema is 5.67.

Converter that parses the JSON schema and transforms it to C# code published separately in another repo.

Citrina uses request queues to deal with high loads. Every request either puts in a queue or processes instantly depending on existence of an access token. Every access token has its own queue to maximize performance. This kind of logic prevents VK from returning the "Too many requests per second" error. It is important when you need to process several requests at a time. There can be maximum 3 requests to API methods per second from a client according to the official VK API documentation. Citrina puts these requests in a queue and then processes them as fast as possible. All you need to do is just wait for responses to return. You can do this in async way: call any VK API method async, do whatever you want and then get the response when you need it.

All the API methods in Citrina are async.

In addition Citrina supports custom execute methods. This kind of methods can be created by application administrator. With Citrina you can call that methods easily by creating custom request/response models and passing a dictionary of parameters in the constructor.

In any case Citrina is suitable for every .NET application that needs fast access to VK data.


Installation process is very simple with the NuGet Package Manager. Just copy the command below to your Package Manager Console and execute it:

Install-Package Citrina

Citrina package in the NuGet

User Guide

Access Tokens

To run most API methods you need to pass an access_token, a special access key. Token is a string of digits and latin characters and may refer to a user, community or application itself. Read more about access tokens and how to get it on official VK page.

Citrina works with all types of access tokens and will help you to get one.

  1. User Token

    var token = new UserAccessToken(value: "73364910a57d813fd86be4c4836ff008d1aed4b7ff", expiresIn: 3600, userId: 1234567, appId: 7654321);
  2. Group Token

    var token = new GroupAccessToken(value: "73364910a57d813fd86be4c4836ff008d1aed4b7ff", communityId: 123123123, appId: 7654321);
  3. Service Token

    Read more about service tokens on official VK page.

    var token = new ServiceAccessToken(value: "73364910a57d813fd86be4c4836ff008d1aed4b7ff", appId: 7654321);


To start working with Citrina you have to create a new client instance. After that you'll be able to call any API method.

var client = new CitrinaClient();

Authentication Helpers

To obtain a new token you can use special authentication helpers.

For user tokens use GenerateLink with LinkType.Code for Authorization Code Flow and LinkType.Token for Implicit Flow.

var codeLink = client.Authentication.GenerateLink(LinkType.Code, 7654321, "http://test.com/account", DisplayOptions.Default, UserPermissions.Audio | UserPermissions.Offline, "some message");

Use GetAccessTokenAsync to get an access token for Authorization Code Flow. Note that RedirectUri in GetAccessTokenAsync method must be equal to RedirectUri in GenerateLink method!

var call = await client.Authentication.GetAccessTokenAsync(7654321, "wkE1SyDTei4h2MyV", "http://test.com/account", "ecc20ad9c6a53a5");
var token = call.AccessToken;

Code generation and token obtaining process for community tokens is almost the same.

var codeLink = client.Authentication.GenerateLink(LinkType.Code, 7654321, new []{ 123123123, 345345345 }, "http://test.com/account", DisplayOptions.Default, GroupPermissions.Manage | GroupPermissions.Messages, "some message");

Working with API

Citrina client is required to call any VK API method. All methods are async but they are named as they are named in VK.

Try to call the Wall.Get method to get some posts from your wall.

var request = await client.Wall.Get(token, ownerId: 7654321, count: 5);

if (!request.IsError)
   var posts = request.Response.Items;
   var postsObtainedCount = request.Response.Count;
   var errorMessage = request.Error.Message;

Custom Execute Methods

In VK API an execute method is universal method for calling a sequence of other methods while saving and filtering interim results. Such methods can be useful when you need to call several methods at once and get the response instantly. With Citrina you can easily call your own execute methods.

For example, response models:

public class ExecuteResponse
   IEnumerable<ExecuteResponseItem> Items;

public class ExecuteResponseItem
   public int? Id { get; set; }
   public int? FromId { get; set; }
   public DateTime? Date { get; set; }

Method call (note that prefix execute in the method name is not needed):

public async Task<ExecuteResponse> ExecuteMe(int communityOwnerId, UserAccessToken accessToken)
   var request = await client.Execute.Call<ExecuteResponse>("testMethod", new ExecuteRequest(accessToken, new Dictionary<string, object>
      ["ownerId"] = communityOwnerId

   if (request.IsError)
       throw new Exception($"Error has occured: {request.Error.Message}");

   return request.Response;

File Uploading

Citrina supports all kinds of file uploading in VK API. You can get an uploader from the Citrina.Uploader package. Read the official VK documentation for more information about file uploading.

For now let's try to upload some photos to an album.

var client = new CitrinaClient();
var uploader = new CitrinaUploader();

var albumId = 123123123;
var serverRequest = await client.Photos.GetUploadServer(token, albumId);

if (!serverRequest.IsError) 
	var uploadRequest = await uploader.Photos.UploadAlbumPhotosAsync(serverRequest.Response, new[] 
	var saveRequest = await client.Photos.Save(token, albumId, null, uploadRequest.Data.Server, uploadRequest.Data.PhotosList, 
		uploadRequest.Data.Hash, null, null, "My photo caption");

And now let's upload an owner photo for community.

var client = new CitrinaClient();
var uploader = new CitrinaUploader();

var communityId = -111222333;
var serverRequest = await client.Photos.GetOwnerPhotoUploadServer(token, communityId);

if (!serverRequest.IsError)
	var uploadRequest = await uploader.Photos.UploadOwnerPhotoAsync(serverRequest.Response, @"C:\comm_cover.jpg");
	var saveRequest = await client.Photos.SaveOwnerPhoto(token, uploadRequest.Response.Server.ToString(), 
		uploadRequest.Response.Hash, uploadRequest.Response.Photo);