
My first blog website application that built with node.js, express.js, EJS


Contributor must have standard

To contributors who want to resolve my project's issue. You need to follow good contributor standards at least giving the pull request a meaningful name and using my official specific branch of each issue.

If you want to contribute to an easy issue in this project, please COMPLETE the easy issue and don't leave even a single easy bug because it is not acceptable.

Example: You know that if it has no blog in the array it will do something that we don't want or not send anything. And you still do not make any easy solution like the one below.

if (blogs.length == 0) {
  // Do something such as send a text that tells us there is no blog.
} else {
  // Do something

This is not acceptable, please solve it. Otherwise, I will not accept your pull request.

Please do not use any other packages that I didn't use in this project (you can see it in package.json).

If you are my college friend, please contact me on my Instagram.

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