
Use Elasticsearch as a database in Laravel to retrieve Eloquent models and perform aggregations.

MIT License



Use Elasticsearch as a database in Laravel to retrieve Eloquent models and perform aggregations.

Build Elasticsearch queries as you're used to with Eloquent, and get Model instances in return, with some nice extras:

  • Use query, filter and postFilter query types
  • Perform geo searches
  • Build and perform complex aggregations on your data
  • Use the Elasticsearch scroll API to retrieve large numbers of results


Depending on your version of Elasticsearch you can use the following version of this package

Elasticsearch Laravel Elasticsearch
>= 7.0, < 7.1 6
>= 6.6, < 7.0 5
>= 5.0, < 6.0 4


Add elasticsearch connection configuration to database.php

'elasticsearch' => [
    'driver'   => 'elasticsearch',
    'host'     => 'localhost',
    'port'     => 9200,
    'database' => 'your_es_index',
    'username' => 'optional_es_username',
    'password' => 'optional_es_username',
    'suffix'   => 'optional_es_index_suffix',

Create or update your base Model.php class to override newEloquentBuilder() and newBaseQueryBuilder():

 * Create a new Eloquent builder for the model.
 * @param  \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder  $query
 * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder|static
public function newEloquentBuilder($query)
    switch ($this->getConnectionName()) {
        case static::getElasticsearchConnectionName():
            $builder = new ElasticsearchEloquentBuilder($query);

            $builder = new Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder($query);

    return $builder;

 * Get a new query builder instance for the connection.
 * @return \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder
protected function newBaseQueryBuilder()
    $connection = $this->getConnection();

    switch ($this->getConnectionName()) {
        case static::getElasticsearchConnectionName():
            $builder = new ElasticsearchQueryBuilder($connection, $connection->getQueryGrammar(), $connection->getPostProcessor());

            $builder = new Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder($connection, $connection->getPostProcessor());

    return $builder;


You're now ready to carry out searches on your data. The query will look for an Elasticsearch index with the same name as the database table that your models reside in.

$documents = MyModel::newElasticsearchQuery()
              ->where('date', '>', Carbon\Carbon::now())


Aggregations can be added to a query with an approach that's similar to querying Elasticsearch directly, using nested functions rather than nested arrays. The aggregation() method takes three or four arguments:

  1. A key to be used for the aggregation
  2. The type of aggregation, such as 'filter' or 'terms'
  3. (Optional) A callback or array providing options for the aggregation
  4. (Optional) A function allowing you to provide further sub-aggregations
$myQuery = MyModel::newElasticsearchQuery()
                 // The key of the aggregation (used in the Elasticsearch response)

                 // The type of the aggregation

                 // A callback providing options to the aggregation, in this case adding filter criteria to a query builder
                 function ($query) {
                     $query->where('lost', '!=', true);
                     $query->where('concierge', true);

                 // A callback specifying a sub-aggregation
                 function ($builder) {
                     // A simpler aggregation, counting terms in the 'status' field
                     $builder->aggregation('my_terms_aggregation', 'terms', ['field' => 'status']);

$results = $myQuery->get();
$aggregations = $myQuery->getQuery()->getAggregationResults();

Geo queries

You can filter search results by distance from a geo point or include only those results that fall within given bounds, passing arguments in the format you'd use if querying Elasticsearch directly.

$withinDistance = MyModel::newElasticsearchQuery()
                    ->whereGeoDistance('geo_field', [$lat, $lon], $distance);

$withinBounds= MyModel::newElasticsearchQuery()
                 ->whereGeoBoundsIn('geo_field', $boundingBox);

Scroll API

You can use a scroll search to retrieve large numbers of results. Rather than returning a Collection, you'll get a PHP Generator function that you can iterate over, where each value is a Model for a single result from Elasticsearch.

$documents = MyModel::newElasticsearchQuery()

// $documents is a Generator
foreach ($documents as $document){
  echo $document->id;


This package ships with the following commands to be used as utilities or as part of your deployment process.

Command Arguments Options Description
make:mapping name: Name of the mapping. This name also determines the name of the index and the alias. --update: Whether the mapping should update an existing index. --template: Pass a pre-existing mapping filename to create your new mapping from. Creates a new mapping migration file.
migrate:mappings index-command: (Optional) Name of your local Artisan console command that performs the Elasticsearch indexing. If not given, command will be retrieved from laravel-elasticsearch config file. --index : Automatically index new mapping.--swap: Automatically update the alias after the indexing has finished. Migrates your mapping files and begins to create the index.
index:rollback Rollback to the previous index migration.
index:remove index: (Optional) Name of the index to remove from your Elasticsearch cluster. Removes an index from your Elasticsearch cluster.
index:swap alias: Name of alias to update. index: Name of index to update alias to. old-index: (Optional) Name of old index. --remove-old-index: Remove old index from your Elasticsearch cluster. Swap the index your alias points to.
index:list --alias: List active aliases. Pass "*" to view all. Other values filter the returned aliases. Display a list of all indexes in your Elasticsearch cluster.
index:copy from: index to copy from. to: the index to copy from Populate an index with all documents from another index

Mappings and Aliases

When creating a new index during a migrate:mappings the command will automatically create an alias based on the migration name by removing the date string. For example the migration 2018_08_03_095804_users.json will create the alias users.

During the first migration an index appears in the migrate:mappings command will also switch the alias to the latest index mapping. The above will only happen when the alias does not already exist.

Future migrations will require you to use the --swap option.